Central Office Training

Course Title: Course Description: Course Length:
This 3-day Hands-On course covers Today’s Triple / Quad-Play / IPTV networks that deliver Telephony, IPTV and Internet Access over common telecommunication infrastructures and includes Security and Access control. The success of these service networks depend on being designed, installed, managed and troubleshot to provide the highest quality services available. This course provides practical Hands-On experience to deploy, manage and troubleshoot large-scale carrier IPTV networks. Attendees will learn how to ensure the delivery of the required quality of service for successful TV delivery.
3 Day Course
With the evolution of color digital television and digital broadcasting systems we have seen the rapid evolution of TV and video over the past 10 years. Direct satellite and digital cable systems now offer both standard definition and High definition TV. Analogue terrestrial TV broadcasting is being replaced entirely with digital and HDTV over terrestrial systems. The natural next step after HDTV will be the introduction of 3D services but the standards and technologies for this is more complex and, until recently, less well developed. With the completion of DVB standards for Mutliview coding (MVC) enhancements this is now set to change and allow 3D services to expand. This Hands-On course will provide a technical overview of the challenges of delivering 3D video services. It will address the visual perception issues as well as the mechanisms of encoding and transporting 3D TV services. The course will then look at the competing systems that already exist as well as the parts of the standardization that have been completed and available, as well as vendor independent standardization. Hands-On exercises will allow students to build 3D Video presentations and experiment with different ways of viewing 3D TV applications and services.
2 Day Course
This Hands-On ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) Provisioning and Maintenance course begins by presenting the theory and structure of ISDN BRI services. This includes: ISDN Components, ISDN Connections, Basic Rate Interface versus Primary Rate Interface (PRI), Custom ISDN Versus National/Standard ISDN, ISDN Services and ISDN Features. From this point the course presents the different 5ESS Switch Modules and Peripheral Units that provide ISDN BRI service. The Peripheral Units covered are the Integrated Services Line Unit (ISLU), Integrated Services Line Unit 2 (ISLU2), Access Interface Unit (AIU), Packet Switch Unit (PSU) and Packet Switch Unit 2 (PSU2). From here the course presents the translation Recent Change Views and fields required to provision ISDN BRI services. Next, the course presents ISDN voice and data call flow identifying the Recent Change Views used to perform call processing and control the call routing. This is followed with a lesson presenting 5ESS Switch maintenance messages (Input and Output) used to test and verify ISDN BRI service. This includes examples of the messages and analysis of output messages from the 5ESS Switch. The course presents ISDN Protocol (Q.921 and Q.931) and their Information Elements. The last lesson addresses ISDN BRI Protocol. This includes instruction covering the different layers, messages and elements of ISDN Protocol, how to correctly run a protocol session and how to interpret its results. 5ESS documents are extensively used and referenced through this course. This course also provides: procedures, tables, charts, case work, information on the resolution of 5ESS Switch ISDN BRI service problems and recommendations of what to do next. The objective of ISDN Basic Rate Interface – Provisioning and Maintenance is to train provisioning and maintenance personnel to build and translate ISDN BRI services along with correcting ISDN BRI service problems in a 5ESS Switch.
4 Day Course
This Hands-On ISDN Primary Rate Interface – Provisioning and Maintenance course starts with an overview of the 5ESS Switch and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) basics. This brief review includes 5ESS Switch Modules, Peripheral Unit functions and ISDN concepts. This is followed with ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) specifics, such as: Physical Hardware Components, ISDN PRI Connections, Custom versus National ISDN PRI, ISDN PRI Services and ISDN PRI Features. The ISDN Primary Rate Interface Provisioning lesson addresses the 5ESS Recent Change Views used to build an ISDN Primary Interface Group, Trunk Group and Trunk Members. The course also addresses 5ESS hardware, transport facility and channel group provisioning. Next, protocol layers 1 (I.431), 2 (Q.921) and 3 (Q.931) are presented as they pertain to the ISDN Primary Rate Interface. This includes layer 2 connectivity along with layer 3 Information Element definitions. The Call processing lesson presents how Recent Change Views control the origination and termination of calls involving a PRI Trunk Group. The ISDN PRI Automatic Line Evaluation (ALE) and PRI Protocol Monitoring lesson presents Automatic Line Evaluation analysis procedures, input messages to initiate Protocol Monitoring sessions and procedures to analyze ISDN PRI protocol. An ISDN Primary Rate Interface Trunk Maintenance lesson looks at the PRI Trunk Group Members and the trunk member tests available. Each lesson provides: procedures, tables, charts, casework, information on the resolution of 5ESS Switch ISDN PRI service problems and recommendations of “What To Do Next.” Alcatel-Lucent’s 5ESS documentation is used and referenced throughout this course. The objective of ISDN Primary Rate Interface – Provisioning and Maintenance is to train provisioning and maintenance personnel to build / translate, “turn-up” and maintain ISDN Primary Rate Interface circuits in a 5ESS Switch.
3 Day Course
This extensive Virtual "Live" Instructor-Led course begins with a general overview of the 5ESS Switch with emphasis placed on the Modules and Unit functions. Next, the Central Office Power configuration and Power Alarm arrangements through the 5ESS display screens are explained. This is followed with a lesson presenting the function and operation of the Administrative Module, its Units, related display screens and commands. The function and operation of the Communication Module 2 (CM2), Communication Module 3 (CM3) and Quad Link Packet Switch Network (QLPS) are presented next. This includes the QLPS, CM2, CM3, display screens and related commands. The Switching Module Processor lesson presents the function and operation of the MCTU, MCTU2, MCTU3, SMPU4 – TSIU4, SMPU5 – TSIU4-2 and SMU6 along with their display screens and commands. The next lesson, Switching Module Peripheral Units, presents function and operation of all the different Peripheral Units that can reside in a Switching Module. This lesson also includes related display screens and commands. The Signaling System 7 lesson is presented next and addresses both the IRN2 and PSU-SS7 versions along with related display screens and commands. The next lesson presents Software Update display screens and procedures as defined in Alcatel-Lucent ’s Routine Operations and Maintenance Procedures document, 235-105-110. The last lesson presents Call Processing through the 5ESS and Related Recent Change Views. Alcatel-Lucent’s 5ESS Dyna Text Switch documentation is referenced throughout this course. This course can be customized to include Control Center (SCC/NOC/NRC etc.) Operational Support System (OSS: NMA, TNM, Netcool, etc.) messages. The objective of 5ESS Operations is to train maintenance personnel to effectively maintain a 5ESS and care for alarms, abnormal conditions and service affecting situations. After completing this course, you will be able to: -5ESS Overview -5ESS Power, Power Procedures, Alarms and 5ESS Equip.Diagnostics -Administrative Module Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Communication Module 2 & 3 Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Switching Module Processors Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Switching Module Peripheral Unit Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Common Network Interface and Packet Switch Unit System Signaling 7 Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Software Update / Broadcast Warning Messages (SU/BWM) basic information -Origination Call Processing through the 5ESS Equipment and RCVs -Line Unit (LU) 1, 2 and 3 -Access Interface Unit (AIU, EAIU and XAIU) -Integrated Services Line Unit (ISLU 1 & 2) -Packet Switch Unit (PSU & PSU2) -Integrated Digital Carrier Unit (IDCU) -Digital Carrier Line Unit (DCLU) -Digital Line Trunk Unit (DLTU and DLTU2) -Trunk Unit (TU) -Digital Network Unit – SONET (DNU-S) -Optical Interface Unit (OIU) -Digital Service Units (1, 2 & 3) LDSU & GDSU -And Others
5 Day Course
This Hands-On 5ESS Operations for Field and Control Center (NOC, NRC, SCC, CCC, etc.) course begins with a general overview of the 5ESS Switch with emphasis placed on the Modules and Unit functions. Next, the Central Office Power configuration and Power Alarm arrangements through the 5ESS display screens are explained. This is followed with a lesson presenting the function and operation of the Administrative Module, its Units, related display screens and commands. The function and operation of the Communication Module 2 (CM2), Communication Module 3 (CM3) and Quad Link Packet Switch Network (QLPS) are presented next. This includes the QLPS, CM2, CM3, display screens and related commands. The Switching Module Processor lesson presents the function and operation of the MCTU, MCTU2, MCTU3, SMPU4 – TSIU4, SMPU5 – TSIU4-2 and SMU6 along with their display screens and commands. The next lesson, Switching Module Peripheral Units, presents function and operation of all the different Peripheral Units that can reside in a Switching Module. This lesson also includes related display screens and commands. The Signaling System 7 lesson is presented next and addresses both the IRN2 and PSU-SS7 versions along with related display screens and commands. The next lesson presents Software Update display screens and procedures as defined in Alcatel-Lucent ’s Routine Operations and Maintenance Procedures document, 235-105-110. The last lesson presents Call Processing through the 5ESS and Related Recent Change Views. Alcatel-Lucent’s 5ESS Dyna Text Switch documentation is referenced throughout this course. This course can be customized to include Control Center (SCC/NOC/NRC etc.) Operational Support System (OSS: NMA, TNM, Netcool, etc.) messages. The objective of 5ESS Operations is to train maintenance personnel to effectively maintain a 5ESS and care for alarms, abnormal conditions and service affecting situations. After completing this course, you will be able to: -5ESS Overview -5ESS Power, Power Procedures, Alarms and 5ESS Equip.Diagnostics -Administrative Module Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Communication Module 2 & 3 Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Switching Module Processors Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Switching Module Peripheral Unit Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Common Network Interface and Packet Switch Unit System Signaling 7 Functions, Circuitry and Terminations -Software Update / Broadcast Warning Messages (SU/BWM) basic information -Origination Call Processing through the 5ESS Equipment and RCVs -Line Unit (LU) 1, 2 and 3 -Access Interface Unit (AIU, EAIU and XAIU) -Integrated Services Line Unit (ISLU 1 & 2) -Packet Switch Unit (PSU & PSU2) -Integrated Digital Carrier Unit (IDCU) -Digital Carrier Line Unit (DCLU) -Digital Line Trunk Unit (DLTU and DLTU2) -Trunk Unit (TU) -Digital Network Unit – SONET (DNU-S) -Optical Interface Unit (OIU) -Digital Service Units (1, 2 & 3) LDSU & GDSU -And Others
5 Day Course
This course begins with a brief overview of the 5ESS Switch. The 5ESS Analysis tools are presented next and include the 5ESS Plant 24 report, deciphering Output Messages, Output Message Routing, 5ESS Log Files and Operational Support System (OSS) filter procedures. The Analysis presented in this course consists of: Post Initialization Analysis, Remote Switching Module Stand Alone Analysis, Single Process Purge (SPP) Analysis, Return To Point Of Interrupt (RPI) Analysis, Communication Module TMS Post Mortem and Asynchronous Failure Analysis, Audit Analysis, Assert Analysis, Transport Facility Performance Monitoring Analysis, Machine Detected Interoffice Irregularities (MDII) Analysis, Cutoff Call Analysis and Peripheral Error Analysis. Each lesson provides procedures, tables, charts and a “What To Do Next” discussion. These lessons also identify 5ESS Switch documentation that can be used for further analysis.
5 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On 5ESS Switch Recent Change, Translations and Routing course starts by presenting a brief overview of the 5ESS Switch structure and basic Recent Change navigation. This is followed with lessons on Intra-Office Call flow and Inter-Office Call Flow. These lessons include Call Processing Flow Charts based on the supporting Recent Change Views. Next, the course addresses Inter Exchange Carrier and Intra Exchange Carrier Call Flow. These lessons include 5ESS Forms and Recent Change Views supporting Feature Group B and D “Equal Access” translations. This is followed with a lesson addressing the translations for Direct Inward Dial trunking arrangements to Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) and Internet Providers. Included in this course is lesson material addressing Local Number Portability (LNP) and the Recent Change Views that support LNP. The last part of this course presents the Recent Change Views involved with the Charging and Billing of calls, including an AMA Trace example. All these lessons reference Alcatel-Lucent’s DynaText 5ESS Switch documentation.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course, 5ESS TLWS and Testability, presents metallic (POTS) line testing, Digital ISDN (DSL) testing and basic Message Trunk testing via 5ESS Trunk and Line Work Station (TLWS), Supplementary Trunk and Line Work Station (STLWS) and through 5ESS Input Messages. The 5ESS TLWS and Testability course begins by presenting electronic theory and how it pertains to telecommunications. This includes basic transmission characteristics and the local loop. The next lesson addresses the 5ESS circuitry and units that are used to perform and request tests via the TLWS, STLWS or through Input Messages. This lesson also includes translations that can impact the operation of the test circuitry. The main point of this course is the TLWS and STLWS Screens and Commands lesson. This is divided into two lessons that address all the TLWS STLWS screens and their abilities. The first TLWS STLWS lesson addresses customer Line Testing and the second lesson addresses Trunk Testing. This is followed with a lesson addressing Remote Testing procedures encompassing the Pair Gain Test Controller (PGTC) and Test Bus Control Unit (TBCU). The last added lesson presents 5ESS Input and Output Messages that can be used to request different tests. 5ESS documents are extensively used and referenced through this course. The objective of 5ESS TLWS and Testability is to present 5ESS TLWS and STLWS testing capabilities, plus train maintenance personnel on testing procedures. *We will be extending this class from 3 days to 5 days to include more “live” examples, any necessary revisit of material covered in previous sessions offered and additional information that is usually covered in 5ESS Operations Field and Control Center (CO Gridboard) - Call Processing through the 5ESS and Related Recent Change Views. Alcatel-Lucent’s 5ESS Dyna Text Switch.  This will also include the Control Center (SCCNOCNRC etc.) Operational Support System (OSS NMA, TNM, Netcool, etc.) messages.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course, 5ESS TLWS and Testability, presents metallic (POTS) line testing, Digital ISDN (DSL) testing and basic Message Trunk testing via 5ESS Trunk and Line Work Station (TLWS), Supplementary Trunk and Line Work Station (STLWS) and through 5ESS Input Messages. The 5ESS TLWS and Testability course begins by presenting electronic theory and how it pertains to telecommunications. This includes basic transmission characteristics and the “local loop.” The next lesson addresses the 5ESS circuitry and units that are used to perform and request tests via the TLWS, STLWS or through Input Messages. This lesson also includes translations that can impact the operation of the test circuitry. The main point of this course is the TLWS and STLWS Screens and Commands lesson. This is divided into two lessons that address all the TLWS / STLWS screens and their abilities. The first TLWS / STLWS lesson addresses customer Line Testing and the second lesson addresses Trunk Testing. This is followed with a lesson addressing Remote Testing procedures encompassing the Pair Gain Test Controller (PGTC) and Test Bus Control Unit (TBCU). The last lesson presents 5ESS Input and Output Messages that can be used to request different tests. 5ESS documents are extensively used and referenced through this course.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course, Trunk Testing – Provisioning and Maintenance, begins with an overview of the 5ESS Switch and the telecommunications Trunking Network. This overview includes 5ESS Switch Modules, Unit functions and Trunking concepts. Next, the course identifies the Transport Facilities that Terminate in a 5ESS Switch, including Line Coding, Framing and Data Rates. The System Signaling 7 (SS7), Out-Of-Band signaling is presented next and includes SS7 structure, Point Codes, Operation, Output Messages, Testing and Protocol. The 5ESS Trunk Provisioning presents Recent Change Views (RCV): RCV 5.1, RCV 5.3, RCV 5.5, RCV 10.2, RCV 20.4, RCV 20.24 and RCV 20.31. The Trunk Testing consists of both Automatic and Manual Trunk Testing procedures along with Trunk Testing concepts and result analysis. The tests presented consist of Transmission, Signaling (In-Band and Out-Of-Band), Supervision, Data Rate, Digit Pulsing, Talk and Monitor functions and Manual On Hook and Off Hook tests. This includes Trunk Line Work Station (TLWS) poke commands and 5ESS Input Messages. The course also presents procedures on Turning Trunks Up For Service including the tests that should be performed and the 5ESS Status printouts that should be requested. The last lesson covers 5ESS Trunk Maintenance which includes Trunk failure messages such as Machine Detected Interoffice Irregularities (MDII) and System Signaling 7 (SS7) messages. This course includes: procedures, tables, charts, and information on the resolution of Trunk Service issues, with recommendations of “What To Do Next.” 5ESS documentation is used and referenced throughout this course.
4 Day Course
Get Hands-On instruction and practice administering Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2, in this 5-day Microsoft Official Course. This course is part two in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for Hands-On preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 411: Administering Windows Server 2012, which is the second of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Labs in this course are based on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.
5 Day Course
The Advanced Hands-On course is an expansion of the Residential Wi-Fi Best Practices course, and includes comprehensive coverage of past, current and emerging wireless technologies. It includes an in-depth look at Radio Frequency (RF) propagation and Wireless LANs. The course is designed for those who want a better understanding of Wi-Fi networks, including those seeking certification, or who need to find and mitigate challenging wireless problems. The course covers various aspects of a WLAN design, such as access point placement, multi-node mesh networks, wired and wireless links, and system testing. The latest Wi-Fi Alliance and IEEE 802.11ax standards are discussed, as well as security options including WPA3 and covers the business and enterprise WLAN installation and troubleshooting. Our instructors have actual field experience and have faced the same obstacles as your team. Our “Real World Experience” allows us to provide the participants with the answers and the skills to overcome their daily challenges.
3 Day Course
This highly intense Hands-On 2-day or 3-day course, depending on the number of Dryers to be covered. (ADK, Chatlos, Dielectric, or McIntire). Students will gain an in-depth Real-World experience on Air Dryer Technique, Routine Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
3 Day Course
This highly intense Hands-On 3-day or 4-day course provides an in depth Real-World experience of Air Pressure and Leak Locating with a Hands-On Lab environment, giving students a Real-World experience and practical Field training.
3 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
4 Day Course
For around a hundred years, single antennas have been used, dipoles, etc. for wireless communications in the last ten years, however, this has all changed and multiple antenna system. Different types of diversity, beamforming, array antennas and MIMO have all emerged onto the wireless scene. They offer better cell capacity, more user throughput, larger cells: too many good things to be true, it seems. However, actual deployments have shown the immense value of current MIMO technology and the potential for the next few years. Technologies such as IEEE 802.11n, Mobile WiMAX, HSPA and LTE are all dependent on their antenna systems for their performance. The newest and therefore most advanced usage is for LTE so some time will be spent on antennas for that technology and its predecessor, HSPA. This unique course starts with a refresher on antenna basics before looking at diversity in all its forms and then diversity, MIMO, beamforming and array antennas.
2 Day Course
The ArcSight Logger Administration and Operation course provides you with comprehensive training to quickly configure your Logger and bring it into an operational state. Learning content is specifically intended for team members of security operations, network operations, auditing and compliance. This course includes Hands-On Labs on common functionality and procedures to tailor and maintain the ArcSight Logger appliance. It also include exercises to take advantage of built-in product content to fulfill event search and reporting demands in enterprise log management environments.
4 Day Course
Learn how ATM works within existing and next generation networks in this introductory ATM course, which will prepare you for more in-depth exploration of ATM's benefits and valuable solutions.
2 Day Course
Voice, data, and video traffic over ATM networks creates tremendous cost efficiencies. If not properly configured and tested, however, the implementation can represent numerous headaches for network engineers and managers. Learn to establish a structured and logical approach to troubleshooting and managing today's ATM networks using network management and troubleshooting tools from industry-leading vendors.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course covers the key concepts of Avaya Aura Messaging administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting. The main focus is on basic administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting tasks for the latest Avaya Aura Messaging including: Solution features, components, architecture, and topologies Setting up flexible storage with the additions of using Exchange Store or VMware Zimbra store Adding a mail gateway utilizing native and fax server options Performing standard administrative tasks for Avaya Aura Messaging Post-installation administrative tasks Class of Server features and how to manage COS Managing subscriber accounts Administering system features Managing user preferences and user features Managing unified messaging Updating software and add, modify, or remove sites Integration capabilities with Avaya CS1000 support through Session Manager Administering third-party products, such as AudioCodes gateways and fax servers Downloading service packs and optional languages Interpreting logs and reports in troubleshooting And more...
4 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On course covers Avaya Aura® Messaging and to implement it. Avaya Aura Messaging is the latest to Avaya's messaging portfolio. You will learn about hardware and architecture, some of the administrative tasks, preparing Microsoft exchange store, and to backup and restore the systems and much more...
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course will provide attendees the practical skills and the knowledge needed to maintain and troubleshoot voice terminals and Advanced system features on AVAYA Communications Manager 6.2. Hands on Administration Exercises are done using Avaya Site Administration (ASA) and System Manager (SMGR) software. This will give attendees the practical day-to-day skill-sets for the Avaya CM 6.2.
2 Day Course
This Hands-On course is geared for System Administrators and Technicians with little or no previous Avaya Telecom experience, with responsibility for programming, maintaining and troubleshooting Avaya CM 6.2. This course will cover in-depth set-up, programming, administration, maintenance and troubleshooting. Students will also gain skills and the knowledge needed to administer voice terminals and system features on AVAYA Communications Manager S8800/S8700 /S8500/S8300 LSP’s and Gateways. Hands on Administration Exercises are done using Avaya Site Administration (ASA) and System Manager (SMGR) software. Course Objectives: -Describing system components (hardware and software) -Interpreting system forms including: Call Center BCMS Basic forms and Reports, Coverage Paths, Coverage Groups, Abbreviated Dial, Pick-up groups, Hunt Groups, Paging Groups ,Intercom groups, Stations, Route Patterns and ARS. -Administering voice terminals and adjuncts – (phones) Moving, adding, deleting, changing phones -Understanding voice terminal features (there are over 100) -Administering trunk features and class of restriction COR -Administering ARS analysis (call routing) -Administering and installing T-1’s especially ISDN-pri. -Using system management features and setting system wide parameters -Retrieving and interpreting traffic data analysis reports -Applying attendant console features -Trouble Shooting user and equipment problems -Understanding VOIP phones and features -Using Troubleshooting commands -Backups -Understanding and clearing alarms -Sending alarms to e-mail -Status, Clear, Disable, Enable, Reset and Trace - Commands -IP phones installation and troubleshooting -Firmware Downloads for IP phones -Logging in and changing security codes on IP phones -Reset and Reboot IP phones -Understanding C-Lan (Control Lan) cards and IP phone registration -View IP Settings and Current Firmware -Understanding System Parameter Settings that affect IP phones -Retrieving and interpreting traffic data analysis reports -Determine trunk requirements And more...
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course covers how to implement Centrex features in the CS 1500 and will include both configuring the CS 1500 for TDM lines and VoIP lines, as well as setting up telephones. The Hands-On activities include configuring VoIP phones and making test calls to verify that translations data fill and telephone configurations are correct.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course will cover basic equipment components. We will cover system setup from “out of the box” to rack mounting the system at the customer premise. We will cover installing phones and performing firmware upgrades on the phones. The second part of this course will focus on maintenance and troubleshooting post installation.
2 Day Course
This course covers the use of Session Manager to unify the services and applications critical to your enterprise communications solution. Learn how to manage and administer Session Manager in this hands-on course.
2 Day Course
Today, Modern Industrial Plants, Power and Electric Companies and all Network and Telecommunication companies contain a great deal of electrical equipment that needs to be understood, maintained and repaired. To perform electrical maintenance tasks correctly and efficiently, electricians and electrical maintenance personnel must have: 1. A basic understanding of the fundamentals of electrical theory; 2. A specific knowledge of the way electrical devices and equipment operate; 3. A practical hands-on experience. Basic Electricity reviews the fundamental principles of electrical theory as applied to electrical circuits and devices used in our common utilities such as transformers, inductors, and capacitors. The general topics covered in this unit include the nature of electricity; basic electrical quantities and their units of measurement; electrical circuits; electromagnetism and devices used i.e. Safe practices, Voltmeters, Cable Types, basic soldering, and more...
5 Day Course
This 2-Day Hands-On course is a must for persons entering the field of telephone communications. In the first part of this course, students will learn about basic electricity electronics as it applies to telecommunications and basic telephony terms and concepts commonly used in the field today. In addition, the student will learn the basic components of the telephone network from the customer equipment to the outside plant, central office and the toll network. The second portion of this course expands from the basics learned in the first part and covers digital switching, digital T1 and T3 systems, fiber optics and special circuits. Each student will have Hands-On training in basic meter reading, running jumpers, circuit testing and trouble isolation.
2 Day Course
This 3-Day Hands-On course is a must for persons entering the field of telephone communications. In the first part of this course, students will learn about basic electricity and telecom electronics as it applies to telecommunications and basic telephony. Explaining the terms and concepts commonly used in the field today. In addition, the student will learn the basic components of the telephone network from the customer premise equipment (CPE) to the outside plant (OSP), central office (CO) and the toll network (TN). Understand proper bonding, grounding and shielding. The Basics of installation, repair and maintenance of lines. The second portion of this course expands from the basics learned in the first part and covers an high level understanding of today's digital switching, digital T1, T3 systems, fiber optics and special circuits as it pertains to your specific environment. Each student will have Hands-On training in basic meter reading, running jumpers, circuit testing and trouble isolation.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On 3-day course is designed for installation technicians and customer service personnel responsible for installing and configuring BCM50 systems. Our course will provide Real-World experience installing the hardware, configurations and messaging on your BCM50.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course is designed for technicians and administrators who operate and maintain BCM50 and BCM450 Release 5.0 or 6.0 systems, students will learn to configure system settings, sets, and services. They will learn to monitor and analyze system status, performance and system maintenance tasks. Students will also learn to upgrade BCM software and to configure VLANs. BCM50 and BCM450 Release 5.0 or 6.0 System Configuration and Maintenance. Students will also cover system and set troubleshooting techniques.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course on BGP Routing (Border Gateway Protocol), from the basics of how it works through to advanced issues such as route reflectors, policy, filtering, route selection and routing registries. This course covers BGP routing in depth, from basics to important issues such as graded dampening and filtering. Practical Hands-On labs configurations are also incorporated to your specific equipment and configurations. This course is a must for anyone looking for Practical knowledge and experience with BGP routing. This course is not geared to any specific exam, pre-study and or testing questions. This course just sets focus on today's support and use of BGP Routing.
4 Day Course
Our 2-day Hands-On Electrical Grounding and Bonding course highlights one of the most important but least understood articles in the National Electric Code - Grounding and Bonding. Simply put, proper grounding and bonding protects your employees from electric shock and your plant and equipment from heat and fire by limiting the voltage imposed by lightning, line surges, or unintentional contact with higher-voltage lines as well as a ground-fault (phase-to-ground fault). Article 250 of the National Electric Code identifies grounding and bonding system installation methods. A properly installed grounding or bonding system for shielding, EMI, static and lightning protection can help prevent cable failures, equipment damage and power quality problems. These systems are also important for personnel protection and compliance with OSHA 1910.301-.308, and .331-.335. This course takes a deep dive into this topic and is aimed at reducing those risks. Additionally, proper grounding of equipment will also help answer any power quality issues you may be experiencing and prepare your technicians how to insure that the proper procedures and practices and followed but most importantly understood! BTS can also incorporate your specific equipment into this training to make it more impactful for your employees.
2 Day Course
This Hands-On course offers the Hotel, Resort, Campus, Hospital and Building Industry the ability to become fully versed in all data cabling and audio visual design and installation including CAT 5e, CAT6, coax cabling & fiber optics installations and repair for a wide range of audio visual systems for hospitality-hotel-casino-hospital-campus network applications. Electronic and Audio Visual Systems are also becoming more and more sophisticated in today's age of smart homes and wireless networking systems. Electronic and Audio Visual Technicians design, coordinate and implement complex systems to allow users to get the most out of their systems and other modern electronic equipment. We train your technicians to understand and support your data and telecommunication networks including fiber, Cat 5-6, and Coax and the basic to complex design and wiring of today's complex audio visual systems. Our Subject Matter Experts have the real-World experience and the training experience that will give your staff the practical Hands-On techniques and practical applications needed to support your communications network by teaching the latest data cabling, fiber optic, coax, and audio visual system technologies. This course will cover design, installation, troubleshooting, repair and certify your technicians on data cabling, coax, fiber optic cabling, audio visual systems in campuses, casinos, resorts, convention centers, hotels & motels, hospitals and all premise facilities. -Structured Cabling Standards and Practices -Key Definitions -Create designs, concepts, and sample layouts based on knowledge of layout principles and aesthetic design concepts. -Read blue prints and create new floor plans. -Confer with clients to discuss and determine layout design. -Research products recommended in the proposal for compatibility. -Review final layouts and suggest improvements as needed. -Provide and verify product dimensions to ensure proper fit and finish. -Program Remote Control Systems based on the project schematics. -Prepare wiring schematics, floor plans, and product specific proposals for technicians to complete project installation in the field. -Create systems for the end-user that are robust and easy to use. -Install systems to meet and exceed all of the expectations set in the client meetings. -Fiber Optics, Copper, Coax & Wireless for Voice, Data & Video -UTP Install Do’s and Don’ts -CAT 5/6 Installation, Troubleshooting and Repair -Coax Installation, Troubleshooting and Repair -Fiber Optics Installation, Troubleshooting and Repair -Audio Components and Cabling, Installation and Troubleshooting -Visual Components, Cabling, Installation and Troubleshooting -FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
4 Day Course
This Hands-On Cable IPTV Installation and Service for Telecommunications course covers the knowledge needed to install and troubleshoot video services. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of IPTV, a working knowledge of the system from the signal sources to the customer premises equipment, while teaching the requirements for an installer. The why as well as the how to perform installer functions are taught throughout this course, providing the student a Hands-On proper installation as well as basic troubleshooting techniques. The student will also learn the processes and procedures surrounding digital signal tests and measurements, troubleshooting, interference resolution, in the home network mapping as well as service restoration related to industry-wide standards and practices.
3 Day Course
This extensive Virtual Live Instructor-led course provides the skills required to perform detailed maintenance and troubleshooting on the Calix E7® optical network, including the various OLTs and ONTs within a typical network. It also discusses the theory and general system architecture used by various broadband systems such as AE, GPON, VDSL, and Ethernet-over-Fiber. The GR-303 TDM Gateway interface for a traditional TDM switch is also explained, where examples can be shown for switches like a DMS-100 or GTD-5. Primary network elements are discussed including the OLT types, ONT types (SFU, SBU, MDU), plus various ONT options found within Calix's P-Series like the GX and GE, along with devices like Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA's), filters, splitters, transceivers, and different fiber cable and connector types. Various OLT interface cards are also described (AE & GPON, SCP, power & fan). Features like Ethernet, POTS, T1, and video, including RF-RTN from the Set-Top Box are explained, along with typical testing and use scenarios. System management connection interfaces are described, and well as various administrative options, like the Web GUI Interface, Command Line Interface, CMS, etc. ONT activation and status is shown via local-PC connections, RONTA, Web CUI, and CLI, etc. along with discussion on provisioning of profiles, services, and VLANs, with reference to various system documents. System backup and recovery is also described, via external FTP/TFTP servers. Symptom investigation and troubleshooting is demonstrated using previous trouble examples, and through actual troubles which may exist in the network. Common fault types and best practices are also presented, to help prevent troubles from occurring in the first place. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities and show how to perform troubleshooting procedures, including aspects of problem isolation, cabling and provisioning, which helps prepare students for higher-tier support interaction. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized.
5 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
2 Day Course
This beginner level course is designed for personnel responsible for installing, programming and/or troubleshooting BCM CallPilot or Norstar CallPilot 100/150 voice mail systems. For employees with intermediate or advanced level product knowledge, this course may be used as a refresher to learn about features added in the most recent software versions. Prior to the class, students will be allowed to choose which CallPilot hardware platform and documentation they prefer to use during the training. The assessment test offered at the end of the course does not grant certification. Avaya/Nortel does not offer certification on Norstar products. Avaya/Nortel does not offer certification on BCM CallPilot independently.
3 Day Course
This course provides a detailed scope of modern mobile and cellular network technologies used for second generation, 2G+, 3G and 4G networks. It provides an understanding of the structure and implementation of network technologies and demonstrates how networks are sized, planned and built.
3 Day Course
This extensive Virtual "Live" Instructor-Led course recognizes that installers and or contractors often have a difficult time getting certified and getting the Hands-On experience needed to do the job. To many courses are focused toward test and exam questions, rather then the understanding and Hands-On Skill-Set to do the job inline with today's standards and competencies. Our Certification Course to become an CAT -6A (5-6-7) Certified Technician is designed to get attendees up to speed quickly on industry standards, provide proper installation, knowledge and get Hands-On training that covers the latest standards, tools, including Wire Mapping and techniques used today's cable installations, and give them the ability to represent themselves as "CAT -6A (5-6-7) certified Installer." BTS's Certification Course to become an BTS Certified Technician, a concise, well-structured course. It is taught by SME certified structured cable specialists with over 25 years of industry experience that includes network installations/upgrades for Telephone Companies, Power & Energy Companies, United States Federal & State Governments, School Districts, and major U.S. Corporations. Our SMEs have the field experience to find the answers to real live scenarios, providing students with a Real World Experience. Attendees each get a Certification Certificate, and I.D. Card Benefits: -Maximize system performance and reliability by learning today's installation techniques. -Be aware of current industry standards, and become a trusted resource for your customer. -Gain customer confidence by ensuring the integrity of their installations. -Hold a Certification Installer Card that represents your Certification. -BTS Certificate and I.D. card remains on electronic record and can be confirmed and reissued at any time. -This Certification is Nationally and Internationally Recognized. NOTE: At the end of this course all attendees will be taking a written exam and a Hands-On Skills exam to complete their certification.
2 Day Course
The Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions(CCNA) v1.0 course gives you a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers. Through a combination of lecture, hands-on labs, and self-study, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The course covers configuring network components such as switches, routers, and wireless LAN controllers; managing network devices; and identifying basic security threats. The course also gives you a foundation in network programmability, automation, and software-defined networking.This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco® Certified Network Associate(CCNA®) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification.
5 Day Course
The CCNA Routing and Switching Boot Camp is an accelerated course that merges content from ICND1 and ICND2. Learn how to install, operate, configure, and troubleshoot basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching composite Exam (200-125) is an assessment that is associated with the CCNA Routing and Switching certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, LAN switching technologies, IPv4 and IPv6 routing technologies, WAN technologies, infrastructure services, infrastructure security, and infrastructure management.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course will cover the design, implementation, and monitoring of a comprehensive security policy, using Cisco IOS security features and technologies as examples. You will also learn about security controls of Cisco IOS devices as well as a functional introduction to the Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance. Using instructor-led Hands-On lab exercises, this course allows you to perform basic tasks to secure a small branch office network using Cisco IOS security features, which are available through web-based GUIs (Cisco Configuration Professional) and the CLI on Cisco routers, switches, and Cisco ASA appliances and much more...
5 Day Course
Revised CCNP Curriculum and Exams: Cisco has redesigned the CCNP courses and exams to reflect the evolving job tasks of global network professionals. 

Course 1: ROUTE v1.0 – Implementing Cisco IP Routing – is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise LAN and WAN routing solutions, using a range of routing protocols. ROUTE v1.0 also covers configuration of secure routing solutions to support branch offices and mobile workers. The course includes more than seven hours of e-learning lessons and demos that students can absorb at their own pace. Course 2: SWITCH v1.0 – Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks – is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals will learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions, using Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture. SWITCH v1.0 also covers secure integration of VLANs, WLANs, voice, and video into campus networks. Course 3: TSHOOT v1.0 – Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks – is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals learn to (1) plan and perform regular maintenance on complex enterprise routed and switched networks, and (2) use technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform network troubleshooting. Extensive labs provide hands-on learning and reinforce troubleshooting skills. The course includes more than nine hours of e-learning lessons and demos that students can absorb at their own pace.Learn the advanced routing skills you need to provide scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs as part of a medium-to-large network site. You will learn how to dramatically increase the number of routers and sites using EIGRP and OSPF techniques, instead of redesigning the network when additional sites or configurations are added. This Course 1: ROUTE v1.0 – Implementing Cisco IP Routing course provides Hands-On labs to ensure that you thoroughly understand each technique and includes a CD with supplemental information to help your prepare for the ROUTE exam (642-902) and many study aides and materials.
5 Day Course
Revised CCNP Curriculum and Exams Cisco has redesigned the CCNP courses and exams to reflect the evolving job tasks of global network professionals. Course 1 ROUTE v1.0 Implementing Cisco IP Routing is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise LAN and WAN routing solutions, using a range of routing protocols. ROUTE v1.0 also covers configuration of secure routing solutions to support branch offices and mobile workers. The course includes more than seven hours of e-learning lessons and demos that students can absorb at their own pace. Course 2 SWITCH v1.0 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals will learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions, using Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture. SWITCH v1.0 also covers secure integration of VLANs, WLANs, voice, and video into campus networks. Course 3 TSHOOT v1.0 Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals learn to (1) plan and perform regular maintenance on complex enterprise routed and switched networks, and (2) use technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform network troubleshooting. Extensive labs provide hands-on learning and reinforce troubleshooting skills. The course includes more than nine hours of e-learning lessons and demos that students can absorb at their own pace.Learn the advanced routing skills you need to provide scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs as part of a medium-to-large network site. You will learn how to dramatically increase the number of routers and sites using EIGRP and OSPF techniques, instead of redesigning the network when additional sites or configurations are added. This Course 2 SWITCH v1.0 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks includes extensive hands-on labs to help you learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions for campus environments using the Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture. In order to gain a firm understanding of how to manage switches in an enterprise campus environment, you'll cover: VLANs and WLANs, Spanning tree, Inter-VLAN routing Security features and many study aides and materials to pass your exam.
5 Day Course
Revised CCNP Curriculum and Exams Cisco has redesigned the CCNP courses and exams to reflect the evolving job tasks of global network professionals. Course 1 ROUTE v1.0 Implementing Cisco IP Routing is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise LAN and WAN routing solutions, using a range of routing protocols. ROUTE v1.0 also covers configuration of secure routing solutions to support branch offices and mobile workers. The course includes more than seven hours of e-learning lessons and demos that students can absorb at their own pace. Course 2 SWITCH v1.0 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals will learn to plan, configure, and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions, using Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture. SWITCH v1.0 also covers secure integration of VLANs, WLANs, voice, and video into campus networks. Course 3 TSHOOT v1.0 Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks is a five-day instructor-led course in which network professionals learn to (1) plan and perform regular maintenance on complex enterprise routed and switched networks, and (2) use technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform network troubleshooting. Extensive labs provide hands-on learning and reinforce troubleshooting skills. The course includes more than nine hours of e-learning lessons and demos that students can absorb at their own pace.Learn the advanced routing skills you need to provide scalability for Cisco routers that are connected to LANs and WANs as part of a medium-to-large network site. You will learn how to dramatically increase the number of routers and sites using EIGRP and OSPF techniques, instead of redesigning the network when additional sites or configurations are added. This Course 3 TSHOOT - Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks prepares you for the Cisco TSHOOT exam (#642-832), you will gain the skills needed to maintain your complex network environments and diagnose and resolve network problems quickly and effectively. You will learn to troubleshoot and maintain particular technologies, and you will learn procedural and organizational aspects of the troubleshooting and maintenance processes. You will practice skills and reinforce concepts by putting them to use in a controlled environment. In fact, you'll spend half the course performing hands-on work with trouble tickets. By the end of the course, you will have developed a set of tools and best practices that you can take back to your organization. and many study aides and materials to pass your exam.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On CCNT BootCamp is designed to include all six CCNT courses (Basic Telecommunications, Data Communications, Computer Telephone Integration (CTI), Local Area Networks (LANs), Broadband Technologies, Voice over IP (VoIP) Essentials) into a exam focused training that will give students a broad, knowledge-based introduction to core terms, concepts and skills in convergence technologies. To obtain this industry-valued credential, an individual must pass six competency tests in the following disciplines listed below:
8 Day Course
This Hands-On course addresses telecommunications Central Office construction, routine maintenance and trouble isolation related to bonding & grounding and noise mitigation. This course is intended to provide the student with an understanding of electrical sources that could injure people or damage equipment. Proper Central Office bonding & grounding of Central Office equipment for the protection of people from injury and equipment from damage due to foreign voltage and current originating from lightning and commercial AC power outside the Central Office. Covering procedures to minimize the effects and the proper test procedures to determine the integrity of the Central Office grounding system. References for this training course are the National Electrical Code (NEC) and Rural Utility Service (RUS) documents.
2 Day Course
This extensive 2-day "Live" Instructor-Led (On-Site or Virtual) course is designed for Central Office Technicians or others with the responsibility for the installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of Central Office power equipment. The course provides a well rounded basic study of Central Office power that most technicians work with on in their regular duties. Theory is effectively combined with a practical hands-on approach that enhances the students' learning experience. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have a solid foundation in how all CO power systems are interconnected, safety around those systems, how to locate key type of equipment, and perform both routine and as needed maintenance and troubleshooting. Topics include: - DC Rectifiers, Battery chemistries and their maintenance, DC Power Boards - DC Inverters - Ground Return Paths - within the CO and to the outside commercial power network - Dangers including high-amperage paths, open grounds, lead reversals, etc. - Breaker, Fuse, and Disconnect panels and their locations - Interconnections to the commercial AC network including the transfer switch and generators - Types of Test Equipment - Testing for low or high voltages, ripple current, regulation - Telcordia (formerly Bell-Core) best practices, plus common regulatory agencies - And much more, including topics of particular interest to students.
2 Day Course
This extensive 2-day "Live" Instructor-Led (On-Site or Virtual) course is designed for Central Office Technicians or others with the responsibility for the installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of Central Office power equipment. The course provides a well rounded basic study of Central Office power that most technicians work with on in their regular duties. Theory is effectively combined with a practical hands-on approach that enhances the students' learning experience. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have a solid foundation in how all CO power systems are interconnected, safety around those systems, how to locate key type of equipment, and perform both routine and as needed maintenance and troubleshooting. Topics include: - DC Rectifiers, Battery chemistries and their maintenance, DC Power Boards - DC Inverters - Ground Return Paths - within the CO and to the outside commercial power network - Dangers including high-amperage paths, open grounds, lead reversals, etc. - Breaker, Fuse, and Disconnect panels and their locations - Interconnections to the commercial AC network including the transfer switch and generators - Types of Test Equipment - Testing for low or high voltages, ripple current, regulation - Telcordia (formerly Bell-Core) best practices, plus common regulatory agencies - And much more, including topics of particular interest to students.
2 Day Course
This extensive course is designed for Central Office Technicians with responsibility for the installation, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of Central Office equipment. The course provides a well-rounded introduction to many areas of the Central Office that most technicians work with on a daily basis. Theory is effectively combined with a practical Hands-On approach that enhances the students’ learning experience and maximizes their value as a Central Office Technician.
4 Day Course
Distribution frames within a typical Central Office are simple in principle, but the multitude of frame types, block designs, and different switching hardware can create real challenges to the technicians who are responsible for fulfilling orders. Telco-dependent order processing systems also present a learning curve. Errors and misinterpretation can lead to systemic issues that can be both time consuming and costly to correct, and cause confusion until they are corrected. The Central Office POTS/DSL/Span Frame Wiring Course has been designed to help telco techs with relatively little experience to understand how to wire different frame types and different cross-connect circuits correctly, the first time. Various circuit types include POTS, xDSL, tie-circuits, alarms, and any other type of blocks in use by the telco. Vertical (cable pair) and horizontal (OE/line equipment) sides are shown, with multiple exercises for block and circuit locating. Different frame types (COSMIC, MDF/CDF, Protector, ICDF, Fiber) and the connection types (punch-down, solder, fiber) are explained. A brief overview on central office equipment is also provided, to help students understand all the parts of the telephone network (i.e. what is a DACS, switch, add/drop multiplexer, channel bank, loop extender, cable vault, etc.) Digital Cross-Connect (DSX) circuit wiring is also discussed, with exercises on IN, OUT, and MON, DS1, DS3, span patching, plus the different types of DSX panels available, and common plug types (Bantam 309, 310). Tip, ring, T1R1, and E&M are explained, along with the standard telco wiring color code. Fiber optic types, safety, and good practices are also discussed. The Frame Order Management System (FOMS) and Work & Force Administration Dispatch In (WFADI) are also demonstrated, with multiple exercises to help build familiarity and confidence.
3 Day Course
This Ciena 6500 Maintenance and Maintenance Course is designed to provide any student with a solid understanding of the 6500-series platform and its many features and options. The role of a 6500 network shelf within a modern switching & transport network is explored, with discussions on theory, maintenance, provisioning, and troubleshooting. The hardware design of the system and its versions (standard ONT/WDM, Packet-Optical PTS, RLS, D, S and T-Series) are explained, along with optional port configurations, including various protocols and line speeds supported like SONET/SDH, Ethernet, DS3/E3, etc. and 10G-800G muxponders. Key concepts of optical switching and re-configurable add/drop multiplexers (ROADM) are explained, plus QoS, waveshaping and policing concepts are introduced. Transaction Language 1 (TL1), Site Manager GUI, and other input-output options are shown. Common maintenance functions like checking system health, air filters, and backups are discussed, along with tier-1 card-level repair. SFP/XFP use and Laser safety is included, along with fiber optic best-practices. Ciena-unique technology like WaveLogic™ and various Flexible service modules are also presented, including the latest 800Gbps interfaces. Universal concepts like fiber types, ferrule polish (PC, UPC & APC), optical transceivers, SMF/MMF, and connector types are also explained. Symptom investigation and troubleshooting is demonstrated using previous trouble examples, and through actual troubles which may exist in the network. Common fault types and best practices are also presented, to help prevent troubles from occurring in the first place. In addition to supporting independent problem-solving skills, the course helps provide an excellent background for NOC and TAC interaction. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities and show how to perform troubleshooting procedures, including aspects of problem isolation, cabling and port/card provisioning, which helps prepare students for higher-tier support interaction. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized, and to allow for emphasis on the particular 6500 platform(s) in use.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 (CIPT1) v9.0 course prepares you for implementing a Cisco Unified Communications Manager solution at a single-site environment. This course focuses primarily on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 9.0, which is the call routing and signaling component for the Cisco Unified Communications solution. You will perform post-installation tasks, configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager, implement Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) and H.323 gateways, and build dial plans to place on-net and off-net phone calls. You will also implement media resources, Cisco IP Phone Services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager native presence, and Cisco Unified Mobility. Focusing primarily on CUCM v8.x and 9.x, you will learn basic administrative tasks, such as configuring users and associating them with phones, as well as more advanced topics, such as unified mobility, Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), H.323 gateways, media resources and more... Familiarity with the role that CUCM ( Cisco Unified Communications Manager) plays in a converged network from a system, software, and hardware perspective is necessary to successfully install and configure CUCM. It is important that the Cisco Unified Communications network provides a high availability at or above what a traditional voice network provides. It is vital to understand the deployment and redundancy options of CUCM and to follow the recommended design and deployment practices. Our training course for CIPT1 introduces the CUCM solution and describes the role, architecture, characteristics, hardware and software requirements, and the licensing model of CUCM. The available deployment models for using CUCM in a Cisco Unified Communications solution is also explored.
5 Day Course
Thia Hands-On course Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 (CIPT2) v9.0 prepares you for implementing Cisco Unified Communications solution in a multisite environment. It covers globalized call routing, Cisco Service Advertisement Framework (SAF) and Call Control Discovery (CCD), tail-end hop-off (TEHO), Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST), and mobility features such as Device Mobility and Cisco Extension Mobility. You will apply a dial plan for a multisite environment including TEHO, configure survivability for remote sites during WAN failure, and implement solutions to reduce bandwidth requirements in the IP WAN. You will also enable Call Admission Control (CAC), including Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Preconditions and automated alternate routing (AAR).
5 Day Course
This instructor-led course introduces you to the features and functions of the Cisco® ASR 9000 Series platforms. Through a combination of lecture and Hands-On labs, you will gain an understanding of all major aspects of the platform, including hardware; software; Layer 2 and Layer 3 services; Layer 2 and Layer 3 multicast; operations, administration, and management (OAM); and quality of service (QoS) features.
5 Day Course
Cisco Ethernet phone (ephone) technology has become ubiquitous, but feature sets have become more complex with each new phone type and IOS release. Cisco’s emphasis on collaborative technologies, including voice, video, IM, and voice mail, have made UC phone setup more complex. The Cisco IP Phone Provisioning & Troubleshooting course (for various Cisco CallManager types including CUCM, CME or IOS command line) brings students up to speed quickly, looking at the capabilities of various Cisco phones, and how to add and remove service, plus make changes to existing phone users and features. Different methods can be emphasized, including Cisco’s robust Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) solution, Communication Manager Express (CME), and/or use of a Cisco router IOS command line with the telephony-service command. Concepts like users, phone numbers, templates, features, etc. are distinguished, with examples of how to create, remove, or change service. This also involves selection of different CODEC types, and examples of PLAR, FXO, FXS, voice mail, and common features like call forwarding, Extension Mobility, calling name and number, etc. plus choosing the actual phone protocol (SCCP or SIP). Device License Units (DLUs) are discussed. Depending upon the needs of a class, initial setup of CUCM can be demonstrated, including virtualization software (i.e. vSphere ESXi, VMWare), plus network topology for DHCP, TFTP, CME router, and phone connections. Fundamental parts of the routing database can be explained, including dial plans, partitions, and Calling Search Space (CSS). Different phone types and their features are explored, such as the popular 7900 and 8800 series. Power options like PoE/inline power are compared, along with the testing and use of phone features, including voice, video or collaborative features (IM, Unity, Presence). Phone options like headsets, expansion modules, Bluetooth connectivity, PC client, external cameras, etc. can be explained and demonstrated, per the needs of the class. Troubleshooting techniques are used to solve phone registration issues, plus power, provisioning (show, debug), and call routing issues (DNA, logs), including how to back-up and restore the database.
3 Day Course
The Cisco ONS 15454 SDH is a fast and powerful, yet easy to use optical platform that lowers the cost and increases the efficiency of bandwidth delivery within optical transport networks. The Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Provisioning and Operation Training (OSTPO) provides instructor-led training that enables the student to learn how to operate the ONS 15454 SDH through classroom instruction and hands-on training on an ONS 15454 SDH system. The students complete a wide range of tasks covering many system features and functions. Lab exercises rely on the ONS 15454 SDH user documentation for references to specific procedures. Each student has the opportunity to participate in every lab.
4 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
4 Day Course
This Hands-On course focuses on the initial configuration, verification, administering and basic troubleshooting of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 6000. There is a strong emphasis on Hands-On lab oriented tasks to configure, verify and go through administration set-up, day-to-day management tasks and support details. The course needs to run in a equipment ready environment where students can focus on specific areas of interests. Students requiring more in-depth knowledge should attend our other UCM BE courses aimed at specific areas. Keep in mind that our courses can be tailored to specific needs and requirements. If access to equipment is not available, specific equipment may be provided for additional fees, upon request.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course is focused entirely on the Installation and configuration practices of the Cisco Business Edition 5000 and 6000 solutions. This system is designed for organizations with up to 1000 employees. The solution offers premium voice, video, mobility, messaging, presence, and contact center features on a single platform and provides core communication capabilities that medium-sized businesses need for improved collaboration across the value chain. During this course students will learn how the Cisco Business Edition 5000 and 6000 solution ,enabled by virtualization technology, consolidates multiple applications on a single platform and how high-availability features can be maximized to support mission-critical voice, messaging, and contact center capabilities. Presence, Unity Connection, Jabber, Webex UUCX are all covered during this course in a Hands-On equipment ready environment. Keep in mind that our courses can be tailored to specific needs and requirements. If access to equipment is not available, specific equipment may be provided for additional fees, upon request.
5 Day Course
In this Hands-On extensive course you will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and architecture of cloud computing and of the design and deployment of a cloud computing platform. You will learn about the evolution of the cloud and its ability to increase processing power and bandwidth capabilities, and you will learn who's who in cloud computing, the products and services offered, and common platforms and applications. You will examine the pros and cons of implementing a cloud computing platform, including the financial benefits and the security risks, and you'll learn about cloud computing standards and best practices.
4 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
3 Day Course
Wireline switches are providing a special challenge today: despite ongoing migration to triple-play and wireless technologies, there is still some resilient need for reliable, low-latency POTS telephone service. This requires continuing effort to find economical yet reliable ways to run the TDM switching network. The CO Switch Decommissioning & Service Migration Course has been designed by request to help telcos lower the cost of running existing plant as reliably and easily as possible. In addition to power savings and asset harvesting, the course helps to show how to dump usage reports, find, and then utilize the correct de-growth procedures without generating permanent alarms from improperly deleted hardware. Additional considerations are reviewed per the scope of work, including system RC requirements, adjacent & co-located equipment risk, and reversion procedures. Equipment may be considered for abandon-in-place (AIP) versus bay removal, understanding that adjacent cable runs may actually still support other critical equipment. Battery-power removal, spikes, and separate grounds are also reviewed. Students are taken through the original switch manufacturer documentation, such as NTPs, GTEPs, Practices, plus certain Bellcore/Telcordia, NEBS, and NEC standards, as necessary for a project. The course has several optional components, depending upon your scope of work, including proper Recent Change (RC) procedure, system backups, plus how to migrate service to other network elements, including several unified VoIP or fiber communication products. Many telco techs have little background in data networking. The course can optionally provide some basics of packet-based voice networks which includes a summary of routers & switches, the OSI model, and IPv4/IPv6, plus how a TDM voice circuit interfaces to, and operates with, a VoIP or MPLS network. Concepts like Cisco CUCM VoIP, or Genband and Metaswitch MPLS migration are explained. The actual course length is flexible with the content, and can be adjusted depending upon the needs of the class.
5 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On Column/Pole Climbing Rescue training is applicable to those in the industry that climb metal columns such as vertical I-beams and poles as seen in the utility field. This course is geared to the industry professional, safety equipment needed and products available to use in the case of a rescue. All Attendees will understand all the parameters and be tested for successfully climbing the addressed applications to meet all OSHA required specifications and regulations.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) course also prepares attendees for the exam. This exam is an intermediate-level credential for cybersecurity professionals. As attackers have learned to evade traditional signature-based solutions, such as firewalls, an analytics-based approach within the IT security industry is increasingly important for most organizations. The behavioral analytics skills covered by CySA+ identify and combat malware, and advanced persistent threats (APTs), resulting in enhanced threat visibility across a broad attack surface. The exam will certify that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to: -Perform data analysis and interpret the results to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and risks to an organization -Configure and use threat detection tools -Secure and protect applications and systems within an organization CompTIA CySA+ meets the ISO 17024 standard and is approved by U.S. Department of Defense to fulfill Directive 8570.01-M requirements. It is compliant with government regulations under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). Regulators and government rely on ANSI accreditation because it provides confidence and trust in the outputs of an accredited program. Over 1.3 million CompTIA ISO/ANSI-accredited exams have been delivered since January 1, 2011. This course meets the NEW DoD Directive 8140 requirements. Will Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 8140 replace DoDD 8570? Yes. When will DoD 8140 take effect? It is already in effect. Why Change from 8570 to 8140? DoD 8140 is designed to be more flexible and inclusive than DoD 8570. DoD 8140 includes initiatives such as NIST NICE (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education), which identifies critical KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) and places cybersecurity positions into 7 categories (1. Security Provision, 2. Operate Maintain, 3. Protect Defend, 4. Analyze, 5. Operate Collect, 6. Oversight Development, and 7. Investigate) consisting of 31 specialty areas. BTS works with clients to deliver appropriate material to become certified. Course design uses the latest texts and other materials over a one or two week period based on client needs. Time is allowed after each Instructor presentation and demonstration for student Hands-On work on labs, practice exams and Network+ related drills. BTS offers On-Site Mobile Test Servers and Test Administration for this course, or students can take the exam at their own leisure at a certified testing center of their choice and schedule.
5 Day Course
This extensive Virtual Live Instructor-led CompTIA Network+ meets the NEW DoD Directive 8140 requirements and the latest version (N10-007). This course will provide official CompTIA Virtual Live Exam and Testing Certification. -Testing Voucher with Virtual Testing and Certification on Last Day. Will Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 8140 replace DoDD 8570? Yes. When will DoD 8140 take effect? It is already in effect. Why Change from 8570 to 8140? DoD 8140 is designed to be more flexible and inclusive than DoD 8570. DoD 8140 includes initiatives such as NIST NICE (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education), which identifies critical KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) and places cybersecurity positions into 7 categories (1. Security Provision, 2. Operate & Maintain, 3. Protect & Defend, 4. Analyze, 5. Operate & Collect, 6. Oversight & Development, and 7. Investigate) consisting of 31 specialty areas. BTS works with clients to deliver appropriate material to become CompTIA Network+ certified. Course design uses the latest texts and other materials over a one or two week period based on client needs. Time is allowed after each Instructor presentation and demonstration for student hands-on work on labs, practice exams and Network+ related drills. BTS offers On-Site Testing and Test Administration for this course, or students can take the exam at their own leisure at a certified testing center of their choice and schedule. Master essential data networking skills while preparing for the CompTIA Network+ certification exam (N10-008). CompTIA's Network+ is the premier vendor-neutral networking certification. Our Network+ Prep Course is designed to provide the foundation you need not only to be productive on the job but also to be successful in more specialized topics and in your pursuit of vendor-specific certifications. Companies such as Dell, HP, Ricoh, Sharp, and Xerox recommend or require CompTIA Network+ for their networking technicians. It is a technical prerequisite option for IT technicians seeking to join the Apple Consultants Network, and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense. Earning CompTIA's Network+ certification increases your value in the marketplace, providing proof of your knowledge, skills, and ability to manage, maintain, troubleshoot, install, operate, and configure basic network infrastructure. Our Network+ Prep Course points you in the right direction, allowing you to demonstrate the concepts covered on the Network+ exam in a real-world, hands-on environment. You will work through several practice exams to reinforce your knowledge. You will gain essential networking skills in labs that feature a wide verity of networking equipment. In addition to preparing you for Network+ certification, this course also meets the NEW DoD 8140 training requirements.
5 Day Course
This extensive Virtual Live Instructor-led CompTIA Network+ meets the NEW DoD Directive 8140 requirements and the latest version (N10-007). This course will provide official CompTIA Virtual Live Exam and Testing Certification. -Testing Voucher with Virtual Testing and Certification on Last Day. Will Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 8140 replace DoDD 8570? Yes. When will DoD 8140 take effect? It is already in effect. Why Change from 8570 to 8140? DoD 8140 is designed to be more flexible and inclusive than DoD 8570. DoD 8140 includes initiatives such as NIST NICE (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education), which identifies critical KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) and places cybersecurity positions into 7 categories (1. Security Provision, 2. Operate & Maintain, 3. Protect & Defend, 4. Analyze, 5. Operate & Collect, 6. Oversight & Development, and 7. Investigate) consisting of 31 specialty areas. BTS works with clients to deliver appropriate material to become CompTIA Network+ certified. Course design uses the latest texts and other materials over a one or two week period based on client needs. Time is allowed after each Instructor presentation and demonstration for student hands-on work on labs, practice exams and Network+ related drills. BTS offers On-Site Testing and Test Administration for this course, or students can take the exam at their own leisure at a certified testing center of their choice and schedule. Master essential data networking skills while preparing for the CompTIA Network+ certification exam (N10-008). CompTIA's Network+ is the premier vendor-neutral networking certification. Our Network+ Prep Course is designed to provide the foundation you need not only to be productive on the job but also to be successful in more specialized topics and in your pursuit of vendor-specific certifications. Companies such as Dell, HP, Ricoh, Sharp, and Xerox recommend or require CompTIA Network+ for their networking technicians. It is a technical prerequisite option for IT technicians seeking to join the Apple Consultants Network, and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense. Earning CompTIA's Network+ certification increases your value in the marketplace, providing proof of your knowledge, skills, and ability to manage, maintain, troubleshoot, install, operate, and configure basic network infrastructure. Our Network+ Prep Course points you in the right direction, allowing you to demonstrate the concepts covered on the Network+ exam in a real-world, hands-on environment. You will work through several practice exams to reinforce your knowledge. You will gain essential networking skills in labs that feature a wide verity of networking equipment. In addition to preparing you for Network+ certification, this course also meets the NEW DoD 8140 training requirements.
5 Day Course
This extensive Virtual Live Instructor-led CompTIA Security+ meets the NEW DoD Directive 8140 requirements and the latest version CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) English language exam will retire on July 31, 2021. The new Security+ (SY0-601) is now available. This course Includes: -Testing Voucher with Virtual Testing and Certification on Last Day -Official CompTIA Virtual Live Exam and Testing Certification. BTS works with clients to deliver appropriate material to become CompTIA Security+ certified. This Hands-On course meets DoD Directive 8570.1 requirements. CompTIA's Security+ is the premier vendor-neutral security certification and demonstrates your knowledge of security concepts, tools, and procedures. It confirms your ability to react to security incidents, and it validates your skill in anticipating security risks and guarding against them. In this course, you will learn to proactively implement sound security protocols to mitigate security risks, quickly respond to security issues, and retroactively identify where security breaches may have occurred. You will also learn to design a network, on-site or in the cloud, with security in mind. CompTIA's Security+ is the premier vendor-neutral security certification and is included in the approved list of certifications to meet DoD Directive 8570.1 requirements. This course uses Official CompTIA Approved Quality Content, which assures that all test objectives are covered in the training material. During class, you'll have access to: -Security+ student manual -Additional Security+ practice exam questions -Comprehension exercises, study digest, and quick reference card -Virtual Access to Official Testing Severs for Course-end Testing.
5 Day Course
DS0 Analog/Data-in-the-Loop and T1-T3, and T1 Spanlines/HDSL
4 Day Course
This Hands-On course will cover PC Hardware and OS. Introduce students to the components and operations of a personal computer. Students would learn the functions of PC hardware and peripheral devices, assemble a PC, format a hard disk drive, and load several different Windows operating systems. Also would include LAN/WAN and Basic TCP/IP . Provide an understanding of the complex issues of internetworking by offering an overview of physical and logical network topologies, routing, switching and interconnectivity. Also go over the use of networking protocols and how protocols function at each layer of the OSI reference model. This course will then provide an understanding of Microsoft Windows 20XX Server and teach the participant how to install and maintain a Microsoft Windows 20XX Server and how to configure several advanced features such as WIN, DNS, and DHCP. Students need to learn an overview of the skills and knowledge necessary to implement, administer, manage, and maintain a Microsoft Windows Server network infrastructure.
5 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
1 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
5 Day Course
This Hands-On 5 day course provides an in-depth perspective on the challenges of designing a CyberSecurity programs, implementing secure systems, and other factors needed for a comprehensive CyberSecurity solution. CyberSecurity is one of the biggest issues for today’s Federal and DOD Agencies and commercial organizations. Developed and developing nations, governments, defense departments and industries, and organizations in critical infrastructure verticals are being increasingly targeted by never-ending surges of cyber attacks from criminals and nation-states seeking information, economic or military advantage. The rapidity of the attacks is now so large and their level of sophistication so great, that many organizations are finding it difficult to identify which threats and vulnerabilities pose the greatest risk. They are faced with decisions on how resources should be allocated to ensure that the most likely and potentially damaging attacks are dealt with first. Exacerbating the problem is that most organizations do not have complete understanding of CyberSecurity or an organizational approach to dealing with these challenges. This course will help you better understand securing networks. You will be prepared to answer fairly technical security questions about Microsoft Active Directory, Unix, Linux, databases, firewall, intrusion detection systems and major network services like the Domain Name Services. This course will concentrate on today's cyber security tools, operating systems, applications, network architectures and best practices in government and industry network security, with the focus not only on tool deployment and operation system configuration, but CyberSecurity network defense and analysis techniques. Students will configure multiple operating systems, practice network defense techniques, and understand attack prevention methods in a state of the art security lab. This Instructor-led structured Hands-On experience, will take you through practical, simplified ways of securing these operating systems, applications and infrastructures in Today's Environment.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course is designed to give the student a working knowledge of data circuits with a focus on the local loop aspects of these circuits. The material covers basic telephony as it is applied in the local loop and how that technology is being used and expanded to create a ubiquitous loop environment. The course conferee will learn how the existing imbedded copper plant, re-enforced with loop electronics is able to provide any type of service — from simple POTS* to the new and sophisticated PANS**. * POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service **PANS - Pretty Amazin’ New Stuff This course is designed around the concept of basic telephony and it’s application in the local loop. It uses a building block approach, where each module builds on the previous one. Lecture material is re-enforced with stimulating case studies and hands-on lab assignments. During the lab assignments, students build and test operational data circuits. Whenever possible, the circuits will use the same hardware used in the student’s work environment and will be tested using similar test equipment currently in use in the field.
3 Day Course
An accelerated version of the traditional GENBAND (formerly Stromberg-Carlson and Siemens) DCO® maintenance and troubleshooting course, this class is designed to jump-start students with little or no switching knowledge to a competency where they can perform first-tier card-level repair on virtually any of the main modules in the Digital Central Office DCO® switch. Topics of most interest can be emphasized, such as processor interoperation, bus types, cabling, and cell structures. The multiple processor types are studied, including the MP, FP, CP, and TPP, along with the Serial Line Units for system console connections and the EAI. Different Line Switch types are also discussed, and their architecture including the Line Switch Controllers, Line Group Highway, and peripheral circuit cards, along with interconnection to the TSI via the Port Group Highway. Ancillary equipment such as SS7 links, recorder announcers, ringing generators, remotes, and billing are also explained, along with the different remote types including the RLS, RNS, RLG, and both SLC-96 and GR-303 RDTs, which requires the latest LLS variety, the DLS-1080. Other important modules are described, including the CBC and MCI, and their connections to Switchover Control, plus the DL and SSC interoperation with the Call Processors, which control time slots. The Mass Storage Subsystem components are also described including the MSDA hard drive and tape drive. Servicing of the MSDA tape drive is demonstrated, extending the life of this important card. Previous faults and any actual faults in the system can be used for analysis and research in documentation. These non-intrusive exercises are used to troubleshoot the switch via symptoms and documentation, and drill the correct troubleshooting techniques, including those normally intended for a Maintenance-window. Basic translations and interrogation of overlays like ADM, RTR, and TRK can optionally be used to familiarize students with directory number and trunk database. Envisioned as a minimum 5 day track, the actual course length and content is flexible, and can be adjusted depending upon the needs of the class. In addition to supporting independent problem- solving skills, the course helps provide an excellent background for NOC and TAC interaction.
5 Day Course
This 2-day Hands-On course is designed to train Central Office Technicians’ in the fundamentals of installation and testing of both 4-wire (
Fiber optic systems are a key part of new communications services. Their success depends upon good design. This course provides a basic understanding of Fiber Optics, describing different Fiber types, the construction of point to point Fiber links, splicing, impairments and basic link design. It will examine the selection of wavelengths to use, and the use of multiple wavelengths in Course and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed systems. It will then provide an understanding of how these optical systems can be deployed using Remote Operation Add Drop Multiplexing Applications. Throughout the course students will undertake workshop exercises in order to be able to apply the knowledge learned. Modern carrier networks must deliver reliable communications services that are secure and match the growing speed and capacity demanded by their customers. During the 20th Century we saw the growth in universal voice and this led to the development of SONET technologies based on Time Division Multiplexing technology. This has been used for early Internet services but these would benefit from packet based asynchronous designs and much higher data rate. 21st Century networks demand has been shaped by the inexorable growth in multimedia, social media and mobile services. Carrier Transport Networks must match the current demands with the right technologies delivered flexibly enough to adapt to the ever changing pattern of user demand. They must also be delivering service to the right place and at the right price. This course is aimed at designers. It will be valuable to all those that want to be aware of the key sills of design, within the context of building new Transport Networks for tomorrow’s carrier services. These will raise the typical single wavelength 10 Gbit/s systems to 100 Gbit/s on Dense Wavelength Division systems carrying over 40 wavelengths per fiber. While this is mainly concerned with long distance, high bandwidth core services, it is important to be aware of where and how the services will eventually be delivered. In the 1990s there was a massive grown in SONET and ATM technology within Transport Networks. However by the end of the 1990s it was realized that ATM was an expensive mistake as Switched Optical Ethernet offered a more powerful and cheaper solution. Also that SONET, optimized for voice services, was probably not the optimal solution either. This course examines the demands which we are likely to place on our next generation of Transport Networks, identifies the options currently available for delivering reliability, security, aggregation flexibility, routing, switching and management. It then provides an approach to designing networks using standardized metrics to deliver services matching current and predicted future demand profiles. In-class exercises will uncover the key statistical techniques for estimating and prediction of future demand and confidence intervals. Using simple spread sheets and modelling students will learn from practical exercises how to design services to match their particular carrier network needs. These techniques will then be applied to consider the design of carrier networks using Optical Transport technologies.
5 Day Course
During this course Voice Frequency, DDS, ISDN, FT1, DS1-DS3, and SONET technologies are examined in detail to create a solid technical foundation. The participants are led through applications for installation and troubleshooting of these technology networks, as well as numerous Hands-On exercises using the T-BERD test sets. i.e. 211, 224, 310, 2310, etc. BTS encourages student(s) to bring their any test-equipment, to incorporate into our Hands-On Labs to gain valuable experience by using their own equipment throughout this course.
2 Day Course
This Training Series provides a modular program of training to be run over a period of 14 days. The aim is to provide 1 day and 2 day modules of training aimed at providing a fast overview for engineers and manager new to the subject of Digital Television and Next Generation Communications systems. It is intended that the modules will stand on their own so that participants can select those modules most appropriate to their need and not necessarily attend every module. These modules examine the delivery of TV and communications over Next Generation Networks based upon IP core communications and optical carrier Ethernet services. The intention is to produce a Program suitable for participant with no prior knowledge to access the training and to build up a knowledge base quickly so that they can be valuable members of new and evolving digital TV and Media teams. Module 1 will examine how and why digital television is sweeping the world very quickly. It will consider the way in which Analogue TV has been delivered in the past and how the “digital dividend” can provide increased government revenue by adopting digital TV. It will examine bandwidth issues and demonstrate using hands-on exercises different methods of encoding and of deliver without going into the technical details. At the end of this module attendees will be aware of what is possible and what the limits of technology are but not necessarily how thins work, which will be covered by later modules. Module 2 identifies how digital TV is encoded in detail. It examines how MPEG-2 works and provides hands-on exercises experimenting with MPEG-2 rates and profiles. It then goes on to look and higher compression techniques of MPEG-4 and H.264 for encoding HDTV. At the end of this module participants will have a solid understand of how encoding works to a level that enables them to recognize the difference between MPEG-2 and H.264. To describe the difference between H.264 and Microsoft Windows Media Video 9 and to trancode between different codecs using free or open source software. Module 3 examines multiplexing as it is used in Digital Video Broadcast systems. The DVB standards have been written to enable the same multiplexing techniques to be used for Terrestrial, Satellite and Cable delivery. A simplified subset is also used for delivery of IPTV using DVB-IPI. This module will teach students how DVB multiplexing works at both the Program stream and the Transport stream levels. It will introduce hands-on exercises to enable participants to capture transport streams and to analyze them to understand how multiple TV channels are multiplexed into a single high speed digital stream for broadcast. They will further study the service information and control tables used to allow set top boxes to navigate through the multiplexes, locate individual program streams and play them. Module 4 considers how the Intellectual Property value of TV can be protected. The key to the success of any Television Services is high quality content that the viewer wishes to watch. This generally costs a lot of money and time to produce and so Intellectual Property owners like movie companies and commercial TV production companies need to prevent their content being pirated. Simulcrypt and Multicrypt provide standardized methods for Conditional Access that allow broadcasters to ensure the protection of high value content from illegal copying, and to restrict viewing to particular population groups where required. This is usually used for ensure the customer pays for pay-per-view or premium-rate channels. However it can also be used to restrict access to special channels used for security monitoring or Program production in special cases. More recent developments have allowed the delivery of video on demand over IP networks as well as recoding broadcast channels and the copying and retention of this material can be restricted by Digital Rights Management. This module will examine how DRM systems work and examine both commercial and open source systems. Module 5 will consider Next Generation Networks and the evolution to packet based core networks from earlier generations of circuit based services. The module will look in fast overview at how earlier generation services can be emulated over high speed IP cores to deliver service networks which can delver better performance at much lower cost yet higher reliability. It will also demonstrate the feasibility of this using hands-on exercises that integrate Voice, Internet Access and Television over the same Ethernet interface – both wired and wireless. Module 6 continues the examination of Next Generation Evolution but from the perspective of Carrier Transport Networks. In any modern Digital TV Broadcasting system it is necessary to transport the digital multiplexes from the TV Head-End to individual transmitter sites for broadcast. With Single Frequency Networks accurate timing and synchronization is also vital. This module will examine the options for these transport networks including Optical Fiber, microwave and satellite delivery. Technologies such as Ethernet Aggregation and protection switching will be considered to provide an understanding of how reliability can be controlled and improved. Having introduced all the key building block technologies, Module 7 will provide an understanding of design. It will introduce the concepts of network design and using an example of a TV broadcasting Network demonstrate how the project can be take through the key stages from Initial Service Requirements definitions, Technical Specification, Service sizing, Wavelength allocation and planning, Transmitter sitting, installation, testing and delivery. Module 8 will look at TV Program Production to give engineers an appreciation of the tools and techniques available for the artistic aspects of Program products, the technical aspects of editing, recording and mixing services and finally the storage and delivery. Using simple editing tools attendees will shoot some video, edit it and produce a short Program clip. They will then stream this over a network. Module 9 Multicast IP Television is now used to deliver Television services in some administration as well as to provide interconnection between encoders and multiplexers within DVB Head-ends. This module provides an understanding of how IPTV streams are carried over RTP/UDP/IP, the difference between using TCP and UDP to deliver services and how to analyze these services using protocol Analyzers Module 10 Configuring Routers and Switches for Multicast and Reliable carrier Services. This module will teach attendees how to configure elementary routing protocols, OSPF, Ethernet Aggregation and Protocol Independent Multicast on Cisco switches. Attendees will work as a group and configure individual interfaces to use specific VLANs, configure and test OSPF routing and them implement PIM for multicasting. They will then undertake hands-on exercise to demonstrate the correct working using IPTV streams. Module 11 Service sizing and performance requires an understanding of simple statistics and applying this to broadcasting and transport network design. This module aims to help attendees understand why networks are never as fast as they expect and why projects always take linger then you expect. Providing an understanding of confidence intervals, elementary queuing theory and applying this to the design of network traffic allows attendees to better calculate the service profiles for real services and to apply their newly learned techniques to estimating service demands in the future.
10 Day Course
Learn How to design and Plan Telecom Distribution Systems. This course is an intensive hands-on course focused on the design of structured cabling systems. You will design telecommunications spaces, as well as horizontal and backbone distribution systems. Effective learning strategies include case study review and structured application exercises using modernized blueprints with solutions based on real-world conditions. Now offering hands-on activities from day one, this knowledge-intensive course instructs you in real-world tasks, preparing you for life outside of the classroom. Take-home assignments augment your learning, allowing you to prepare questions for the classroom. In addition, students work together to complete a final group project, allowing them to put to use everything they learned in class.
4 Day Course
This intensive course provides the skills required to understand basic switch translations and the maintenance of trunks with the help of documentation on the DMS-100 and DMS-200 systems. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the students to conduct maintenance activities and perform troubleshooting procedures and much more.
5 Day Course
The DMS-10 System Maintenance & Troubleshooting course provides extensive information on the design, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the Nortel DMS-10 switching system. Widely recognized as the world’s first all-digital switching system, the Nortel DMS-10® is one of the most popular digital switches ever produced, and still remains in widespread use today. The DMS-10® Switch Maintenance and Troubleshooting course presents a detailed description of the system, and provides the skills necessary to maintain and troubleshoot the switch and its related peripherals. General system architecture is discussed, with diagrams showing functional blocks, card level call processing, and all main modules including the NT3T98 CPU, clock, disk, TTY, and various peripherals connected to the DSDI and I/O bus extender interfaces. The switching Network is also discussed in detail, describing DS-30 “PELP” links, and the various types of line and trunk peripherals they connect. Specific peripherals for a given system can be emphasized as needed, such PE, CE, LCE, DTC, etc. Miscellaneous Equipment is also discussed, including connections to CCS7, announcement systems, etc. The DMS-10‘s command line interface, including System Level commands and menu Overlays are also demonstrated in detail. Many practical examples such a MO system images, line testing, trunk testing, and alarm interrogation are shown. Previous “core” faults are presented as exercises, where the students will determine the needed course of action. Their conclusions are then compared with the answers of what was actually done to correct these previous faults, providing an extremely effective learning method with zero impact to the network. Training may include any topic of particular interest to the student, or to a given region, and may also include optional subjects like translations and external alarming. Finally, the Helmsman documentation viewer and NTPs (Series 602) are covered in detail, with an emphasis on the documents used for maintenance, alarm clearing and card changing.
5 Day Course
This extensive Virtual "Live" Instructor-Led course provides extensive information on the design, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the Nortel DMS-10 switching system. Widely recognized as the world’s first all-digital switching system, the Nortel DMS-10 is one of the most popular digital switches ever produced, and still remains in widespread use today. The DMS-10 Switch Maintenance and Troubleshooting course presents a detailed description of the system, and provides the skills necessary to maintain and troubleshoot the switch and its related peripherals. General system architecture is discussed, with diagrams showing functional blocks, card level call processing, and all main modules including the NT3T98 CPU, clock, disk, TTY, and various peripherals connected to the DSDI and I/O bus extender interfaces. The switching Network is also discussed in detail, describing DS-30 “PELP” links, and the various types of line and trunk peripherals they connect. Specific peripherals for a given system can be emphasized as needed, such PE, CE, LCE, DTC, etc. Miscellaneous Equipment is also discussed, including connections to CCS7, announcement systems, etc. The DMS-10‘s command line interface, including System Level commands and menu Overlays are also demonstrated in detail. Many practical examples such a MO system images, line testing, trunk testing, and alarm interrogation are shown. Previous “core” faults are presented as exercises, where the students will determine the needed course of action. Their conclusions are then compared with the answers of what was actually done to correct these previous faults, providing an extremely effective learning method with zero impact to the network. Training may include any topic of particular interest to the student, or to a given region, and may also include optional subjects like translations and external alarming. Finally, the Helmsman documentation viewer and NTPs (Series 602) are covered in detail, with an emphasis on the documents used for maintenance, alarm clearing and card changing.
5 Day Course
This extensive follow-on course from our 3-day DMS100 MAPCI Day-to-Day Operations course provides the additional and advanced skills required to perform testing, maintenance, clearing alarms and levels of trunks and lines with the help of documentation on the DMS-100 system. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities and show how to perform troubleshooting procedures, including aspects of cabling and the backplane, which helps prepare them for higher-tier support interaction. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized.
5 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
5 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
5 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On course provides the skills required to perform maintenance and a high-degree of troubleshooting, and will walk the student through a practical understanding of the Nortel DMS-100® switching system. It discusses the general system architecture used by all Digital Multiplex System switches, with functional block diagrams of the switch and its main modules, including the SN/XA, CCS, IOD, and the various PM and LCM types, plus remotes like the RSU, RCU, and GR-303 RDT. Use and cabling of the MAP and RTIF terminals is explained, plus remote access through serial TTY. Alarm interpretation from the MAPCI is demonstrated, and how to interrogate alarms further, so the student can locate cards within the system. Log messages are used to look- up alarm descriptions, and form the basis for troubleshooting action. The Helmsman documentation viewer and NTPs are also covered in detail, with an emphasis on documents used for maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. Previous troubles are reviewed and used as exercises, including LNS line and TRKS trunk maintenance, but also parts of the SuperNode/ XA-Core front-end (SN) including the Computing Module (CM), Network (NET), Message Switch (MS), and CCS modules. Peripheral Modules (PM), and modules of particular interest to the students are emphasized. IOD maintenance is also discussed, including procedures to backup Program and Data stores, and a discussion of how hard disks, tape, and BMC devices are connected to the system. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities, perform troubleshooting procedures, including cabling and parts of the backplane, and much more. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized and much more.
5 Day Course
The Nortel DMS-100 is still one of the most common switches installed in the world today, and remains so due to its high reliability and low-latency for voice circuits. This extensive Virtual “Live” Instructor-led DMS-100 course provides the skills required to perform maintenance and a high-degree of troubleshooting, and will walk the student through a practical understanding of the Genband (Nortel) DMS-100® switching system. It discusses the general system architecture used by all Digital Multiplex System switches, with functional block diagrams of the switch and its main modules, including the SN/XAC front-end, the Network (JNET & ENET), MS, CCS, IOD, and the various PM and LCM types for Line and Trunk peripherals, plus RCU, RLCM, OPM, and GR-303-compliant remotes. MAP and RTIF terminal use are explained, plus remote access through serial TTY and telnet. MAP alarm & fault interpretation are demonstrated, using data from the MAP and from logs, showing the student how to locate suspect cards within the system. The Helmsman documentation viewer and Nortel Technical Publications (NTPs) are covered in detail, with an emphasis on documents used for maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. Previous troubles are reviewed and used as exercises, including LNS line and TRKS trunk maintenance, but also parts of the SuperNode/XA-Core front-end (SN) including the Computing Module (CM), Network (NET), Message Switch (MS), and CCS (SS7) modules. Peripheral Modules (PM), and modules of particular interest to the students are emphasized. Different equipment types are compared where necessary (network & CPU). IOD maintenance is also discussed, including procedures to back-up the Program and Data stores, and a discussion of how hard disks, tape, and billing devices are connected to the system. Special topics like the Star Hub, Remote Concentrating Cluster (RCC), Subscriber Module Access (SMA2), Emergency Stand Alone (ESA), Remote Measurement Module (RMM), etc. can also be discussed per the needs of the class. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities and show how to perform troubleshooting procedures, including aspects of cabling and the backplane, which helps prepare them for higher-tier support interaction. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized.
5 Day Course
This extensive 8-day course provides the skills required to perform testing and maintenance of trunks and lines with the help of documentation on the DMS-100 system. Our Hands-On non-intrusive exercises equip the students to conduct maintenance activities and perform troubleshooting procedures and much more.
0 Day Course
This Hands-On course provides the skills required to perform testing and maintenance of trunks and carrier facilities with the help of documentation on the DMS-100 system. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the students to conduct maintenance activities and perform troubleshooting procedures and much more.
5 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On course provides the skills required to perform testing and maintenance of trunks and lines with the help of documentation on the DMS-100 system. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the students to conduct maintenance activities and perform troubleshooting procedures and much more.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course provides the skills required to build understand the TRAVER tool with the help of documentation on the DMS-100 system. Our non-intrusive exercises teach the students to format the different types of TRAVERs and understand the output.
3 Day Course
This extensive course provides the skills required to perform maintenance and a high-degree of troubleshooting, and will walk the student through a practical understanding of the Nortel DMS-100/200 switching system. It discusses the general system architecture used by all Digital Multiplex System switches, with functional block diagrams of the switch and its main modules, including the SN/XA, CCS, IOD, and the various PM types related to trunks, including the DTC, DTCI, SPM, and other special trunk peripherals. The LCM line module used in DMS-100‘s is discussed briefly, which will demonstrate a simple PCM phone call, and how that call may traverse a trunk to an Access Tandem switch. Use and cabling of the MAP and RTIF terminals is explained, plus remote access through serial TTY. Alarm interpretation from the MAPCI is demonstrated, and how to interrogate alarms further, so the student can locate cards within the system. Log messages are used to lookup alarm descriptions, and form the basis for troubleshooting action. The Helmsman documentation viewer and NTPs are also covered in detail, with an emphasis on documents used for maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. Previous troubles are reviewed and used as exercises, including TRKS (trunk) maintenance and TTP testing, but also parts of the SuperNode/XA-Core front-end (SN) including the Computing Module (CM), Network (NET), Message Switch (MS), and CCS modules. Peripheral Modules (PM), and modules of particular interest to the students are emphasized. IOD maintenance is also discussed, including procedures to backup Program and Data stores, and a discussion of how hard disks, tape, and BMC devices are connected to the system. The greater SS7 network is also reviewed, and the role of an AT switch. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities, perform troubleshooting procedures, and much more. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized.
5 Day Course
This extensive course will provide the skills required to perform testing and maintenance of trunks in the DMS100 Switch and will provide skills required to troubleshoot and correct area code trouble tickets. Will familiarize technicians in the maintenance administration position (MAP) and get familiar with the maintenance system (MAPCI, MTC). Also familiarize with file systems (SLM) and with the usage of the DMS100 documentation (which includes all circuit pack descriptions and functions of every component in the DMS100 switch given to every student on a flash drive by BTS). Testing of trunks and correcting trunk troubles are also covered and be able to generate manual back-up’s monthly. This course will also cover a major oversight in a lot of switches; to safely replace defective circuit packs in DMS100 switch. This course will refresh and give all attendees a strong practical Hands-On training to perform the day-to-day operations of the DMS100 MAPCI systems.
3 Day Course
Objectives: Upon completion of this course you will be able to: * Define ISDN PRI, identify its capabilities, and explain how it works * Identify the ISDN PRI hardware architecture * Identify the ISDN PRI hardware components including the Port Module, PRI Span Line, and Packet Handling Interface * Identify the National ISDN terms associated with customer premises equipment * Perform switch maintenance tests using appropriate Operations, Administration, Maintenance, Provisioning (OAMP) programs * Configure ISDN PRI interfaces * Demonstrate how to modify and delete an ISDN PRI interface * Identify how Bearer Capabilities are used in ISDN call routing * Demonstrate how to assign bearer and PRI routes for ISDN call routing * Demonstrate how to establish a B-channel for packet processing * Identify what drives call processing for ISDN PRI * Identify operational measurements for ISDN PRI * Demonstrate the use of an ISDN test set to verify bearer capabilities and functionality of an ISDN interface * And more...
5 Day Course
Telecommunications companies use copper DS1/T1 and DS1/HDSL carriers as well as the local loop to transport digital and analog data services to a variety of business customers. A well trained technical force to install and maintain these systems is vital for providing expected quality of service and world-class reliability in a highly competitive environment. This 3-day course is an intense learning experience that combines DS1/T1, T1/ HDSL, as well as digital and analog data loop operations with Hands-On troubleshooting. For this course, BTS provides a working classroom lab equipped with typical systems currently deployed throughout the telecommunications industry. Students learn the operational of aspects of these systems and then apply this knowledge to test, troubleshoot and repair the circuits using comparable test equipment to that which the use on the job. Troubleshooting scenarios include equipment failures, wiring problems, field repeater problems, cable pair problems, power issues and more...
3 Day Course
Governments everywhere are moving towards Analogue Switch Off in TV broadcasting. Digital Video Broadcasting standards for use terrestrially as well as over satellite and cable have been available for many years, but viewers and users often see limited benefits in migration. With recent changes in television formats, demands for high definition TV services have increased. These already exist for delivery over DVB-S and over cable but are not easy to achieve over DVB-T. Delivering new HDTV services and migrating from analogue to digital together can offer attractive possibilities to governments and the industry alike. DVB-T2 provides new opportunities to increase performance of DVB-T services and with changes in channel coding and encoding compression, deliver HDTV services without increases in radio bandwidth. Already exist in the UK and extensive interest is seen around the world in HDTV. To succeed new services will need to migrate encoding of video streams, change multiplexing techniques and implement new mechanisms in the radio layer to deliver better forward error recovery and more digital bandwidth. This course covers how DVB-T is deployed; HDTV services are encoded and delivered currently. It will then provide a detailed understanding of the frame structure, channel coding and modulation for a second generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting system that will be used by DVB-T2.
5 Day Course
Electronic communication systems located in outside plant, and sheltered applications can suffer severe damage from power faults and lightning unless the protection is adequately specified, installed and maintained. This course will train you on the proper application, installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of electrical protection devices and systems. Mechanisms of damage caused by induction, lightning strikes, power fault ground potential rise, and lightning ground potential rise will be covered in detail with a clear explanation of the protection expectations and limitations. Problems caused by poor installation and lack of appropriate maintenance will be discussed and demonstrate how minimum maintenance can save you and your company considerable grief and expense. Damage to electronic communication systems creates a significant excess operational cost. Repairs, equipment replacement, labor and transportation expense can have significant impact to the operational budget. Lost revenues and customer loss will occur if the damage is not prevented or repaired quickly. Effective electrical protection will pay for itself many times over. Electrical protection standards and numerous guidelines exist that provide some explanations and answers but can make finding relevant information difficult. In some cases they contradict each other. This course will save you the time of sorting through all the standards and guidelines and provide you with the essential information as well as a convenient source to reference in the future. The science of electrical protection is constantly evolving. In the last several years the understanding of how damage occurs and the protection technology available has improved substantially. Be armed with the most current tools to protect your infrastructure investment.
2 Day Course
This Fiber Optic course will give technicians a working knowledge of the various termination methods and testing procedures in the long haul, metro, and fiber to the home (FTTx) systems. Completion of this course will give the technician an understanding of fiber optics and focuses on the equipment used to terminate, test, and troubleshoot fiber optic systems. This is a prerequisite course and an entry point to more advanced topics available in additional BTS Fiber Optic courses. Our instructors have actual field experience and have faced the same obstacles as your team. Our “Real World Experience” allows us to provide the participants with the answers and the skills to overcome their daily challenges.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On 4-day course (Optional 3 Day without ETA Certification, you will receive a BTS Certificate of Completion) has been customized to provide technicians with a refresher and practical understanding of fiber optic theory and fiber applications for singlemode and multimode fiber. It also includes an introduction to fiber splicing (This is not a Fiber Splicing course See our other courses for Fiber Splicing and Testing) This is a Certification Course, it is designed to “Confirm” the technician’s fiber optic knowledge. This is an ETA Approved course and covers all aspects of the Electronics Technicians Association International requirements for the FOT-FOI certification giving the participant a refresher on applicable methods and standards. The course is comprised of 2.5 days of review on Inside Plant Fiber (ISP) and Outside Plant Fiber (OSP), Connector installation methods, testing standards, and methodologies. Testing is 1.5 days and comprised of a written and a hands-on skills test. Successful participants will receive ETA Certification that is valid for 4 years. Our instructors have actual field experience and have faced the same obstacles as your team. Our “Real World Experience” allows us to provide the participants with the answers and the skills to overcome their daily challenges.
4 Day Course
This Hands-On 4-day course (Optional 3 Day without ETA Certification, you will receive a BTS Certificate of Completion) has been customized to provide technicians with a refresher and practical understanding of fiber optic theory and fiber applications for singlemode Outside Plant fiber including proper placement and splicing (This is not a Fiber Splicing course See our other courses for Fiber Splicing and Testing). This is a Certification Course, it is designed to “Confirm” the technician’s fiber optic knowledge. This is an ETA Approved course and covers all aspects of the Electronics Technicians Association International requirements for the FOT-OSP certification giving the participant a refresher on applicable methods and standards. The course is comprised of 2.5 days of review on Outside Plant Fiber (OSP) , Connector installation methods, testing standards and methodologies. Testing is 1.5 days and comprised of a written and a hands-on skills test including cable and splice case prep. Successful participants will receive ETA Certification that is valid for 4 years. Our instructors have actual field experience and have faced the same obstacles as your team. Our “Real World Experience” allows us to provide the participants with the answers and the skills to overcome their daily challenges.
4 Day Course
This course teaches the functionality of Ethernet, as well as the standards, types of equipment, the provisioning process and various network architectures. Having in-depth practical knowledge of Ethernet & GigE will help broadband professionals better understand the components and implementations of Ethernet technology from 10BaseT through 10GigE as well as the benefits of future enhancements. This course instructs how to quickly and easily build, deploy, manage and troubleshoot Ethernet networks. It also details: network architectures, protocols, frame formats, configuration and provisioning parameters. In addition, participants will discover important operating requirements and troubleshooting techniques and more.
2 Day Course
With the introduction of Next Generation Networks to telecommunications carrier infrastructures, customers expect a full range of Triple Play services. These include High-Speed Internet Access, Voice Telephony and Television delivered over the same network interface. These customers may be domestic where service is delivered directly into homes, business where increasing richness of multimedia content allows businesses to communicate more effectively or in military where remote stand-off control or information gathering becomes feasible. Ideally high bandwidth fiber optic communication would be used for new richer services. However existing infrastructures often contain copper loops and for economic reasons these must be used to deploy these services. Careful design of services that work within these more restricted bandwidths is therefore important. This is one of several key challenges to delivering IPTV. It will be necessary to deliver TV quality that can match existing over-the-air and cable delivery. It will also be necessary to ensure that all services can be delivered together and will not significantly affect the performance of other services. Also that voice services can be interfaced to existing telephone networks so that they will integrate into the standard telecommunications infrastructure used around the world. This course will provide an understanding of the technologies being used to deliver a range of services including voice, point to point video, broadcast/multicast TV, HDTV and even 3D communications. It will provide a technical understanding of the different RF, wired and cable standards used for distributions and delivery. I will further provide hands-on exercises which will demonstrate how voice, multicast IPTV, Video on Demand and Web Television can be delivered over a common IP infrastructure. The course will used standard Windows PC or Laptop computers running Windows XP or Windows 7 attached to an in class LAN and emulated WAN infrastructure isolated from live infrastructures allowing the exercises of all services without firewall and security restrictions. The course exercises will use free and open source software allowing attendees to build systems which can be transferred to home, or business systems with little or no operational cost allowing further learning and experiment.
5 Day Course
The Nokia (formerly Siemens) EWSD Switching Support Course was created to help telco personnel continue to support the EWSD switching system with less reliance on vendor support options. Intended as a follow-up to the EWSD Maintenance and Operations course, the support course will move personnel with a good working knowledge of the EWSD to the next level, providing them with both the knowledge and confidence to work on important parts of the switch for which they are less familiar. The course begins with a review of the system topology, ensuring a consistent understanding of the different LTG and DLU types, and remotes. The discussion then turns to the front end, with detailed descriptions of the Coordination Processor’s IOP Groups, its various processors, Common and Local Memory, plus various interfaces including X.25, serial, SCSI, etc. Significant detail is placed on the different SN network types, including DE3/4/5, and their various Time/Space stage sub-configurations. An emphasis is placed upon the configuration for the local switch system that students work on. DISP and SRCHALARM commands, plus MMN, FLM and Mask information within the system output messages, are all used to locate as much information about a fault as possible. A large number of past examples are used as practice, but any actual faults in the switch will also be analyzed carefully for the best course of troubleshooting. Predictions are made for the card modules that are most suspect. These results are then compared to the actual fixes performed from the past examples, and also to current maintenance-window diagnostic results, if applicable. Module replacement precautions and procedures are discussed in detail, including communication between COT personnel and the NOC/SCC or other Tier-3 support. Books such as the Exchange Configuration Document (ECD) and Cable Laying List (CLL) will be consulted to see how to find suspect cables and their part numbers, including their exact location on the backplane. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to apply troubleshooting techniques for challenging faults, and then determine suspect module lists, including cables. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On Advanced Fiber Optic course will give technicians in-depth knowledge of testing and troubleshooting procedures in the long haul and Metro optical networks. Attendees will gain a detailed understanding of the ITU G.650.3 Fiber Characterization standard and the requirements for Fiber Characterization in today’s networks. This course provides an understanding of important aspects of fiber optics and focuses on the equipment used to test and troubleshoot fiber systems This course involves advanced fiber optic theory and is intended for engineers and technicians involved with equipment or outside plant where fiber characterization is required. Specifically, networks running >10Gbp/s, DWDM and OTN. Our instructors have actual field experience and have faced the same obstacles as your team. Our “Real World Experience” allows us to provide the participants with the answers and the skills to overcome their daily challenges.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course is designed to provide an in depth practical as well as theoretical understanding of Frame Relay technology and applications
2 Day Course
This extensive Live Instructor-led course available for On-Site or Live Virtual delivery provides Fujitsu FLASHWAVE® 9500 Operations and Maintenance Course that is designed to provide any student with a solid understanding of the 9500 platform, its role within a modern switching & transport network, and how to use and maintain the platform. The hardware design of the system and its versions (DCS, Packet ONP) are explained, along with optional port configurations, including various technologies supported like 10/100G Ethernet, SONET/SDH, and EoSONET. Optical switching and ROADM add/drop multiplexers are explained, plus QoS, waveshaping and policing concepts are introduced. Transaction Language 1 (TL1) has its own module, with sample commands and practice. Common maintenance functions like system health, clocking, and backups are discussed, along with tier-1 card level repair. SFP/XFP use and Laser safety is included, along with fiber optic best-practices (UPC & APC polish, cable routing, reflections, measurements). The course is nominally set for 4 days, with actual course length and content flexible, depending upon the needs of a given class. In addition to supporting independent problem solving skills, the course helps provide an excellent background for NOC and TAC interaction.
5 Day Course
This Hands-On course will discuss traditional Ethernet as it is evolving today and its future. Ethernet components and applications will be examined in detail including real time applications (VOIP) and VLANs. Wireless LANs, like Ethernet, are taking on a similar evolutionary path in providing greater speeds. Students will engage in the building of the various types of Ethernet networks and manage them using a practical Hands-On approach by building and working on a live Local Area Network, Implementing and Configuring Today’s Advanced LANs by: • Building a Switched Network • Building a 802.11b wireless network infrastructure • Building a 10/100/1000 Mbps switched network • Configuring Ethernet Switches for Trunking • Configuring Ethernet Switches for VLANs • Interconnecting Ethernet switches using VLANs • Appling SNMP, RMON, MPLS to the Ethernet Network • View Ethernet Protocols using Protocol Analyzers • Testing & Troubleshooting “Real-World” Scenarios • And More…
3 Day Course
To prevent interruption of service to as many customers as possible, distribution line repairs are often made while lines and equipment remain energized. Whenever work is done on energized equipment, the linemen doing the work must be insulated and isolated from all energized equipment and grounds. This training course covers the basic principles involved in working on energized lines using insulated gloves. Work methods, communication, concentration, and safety are emphasized throughout this course. As all of our courses, BTS can be tailor any course to meet your company requirements and needs.
2 Day Course
As OEM-support options dwindle, it has become more important than ever for telco personnel to resolve network faults on their own, including the most difficult ones. BTS recognizes the challenges of finding affordable, support-level training, and has worked hard to provide you with no-compromise, expert-led courses at the support level. The Nokia (formerly AG Communication Systems) GTD-5® Support Course provides a detailed support-level course with updated, full-color block diagrams and images. This course was designed to bring students with a general, maintenance-level competency of the GTD-5® to a considerably more advanced understanding of the system, including its backplane and cabling. This will help the understanding of inter-module connections, so that almost any fault can be traced and corrected. The microprocessor (MP) front-end and Common Memory Units (CMU) are looked at in detail, with an emphasis on the APC and its connections to the ACDC. Important interfaces like the Operations Gateway (OG), LCDT, RCDT, and AMA equipment are explained and accessed, as available. The role and variations of MDC & CPX are also discussed. The course then looks the PCM network, and studies how the SIC, SSW, and BUNW are interconnected. Superordinate and Subordinate status are explained, and how they relate to the BUNW, TSW, and PCUs. Various failing diagnostic examples from previous BUNW/TSW faults are reviewed and decoded, including recovery messages such as SMA syndromes and diagnostic fault printouts. In particular, the 1.019 Non-Maskable Interrupt, 3.059 PCM Trace, and 3.028 Executive Reset SMA Syndromes are studied, along with the typical craftsperson action for each. Documentation such as the UG, CRL and EL are used to trace cabling, and look at the layout of the backplane of key frames. Troubleshooting techniques are taught pro-actively, including Maintenance-window procedures. Time is allotted to work on troubles which students have encountered and want to discuss. Almost any type of hardware or software fault can be reviewed, with an explanation of the typical steps needed for resolution.
5 Day Course
Emphasizes business features such as those used in hunt groups, BRI lines, and for digital, PRI and SS7 trunk groups used to connect to PBX or other switch devices. Also teaches different types and features in business groups, including intra- and inter-group calling, and automatic route selection based on time-of-day, preferred carriers, etc. Special topics like E911, E800, and other special circuits are also discussed as needed.
4 Day Course
Inter- and Intra-LATA translations are emphasized, with several different variations and methods to set-up for each. The difference between direct telco trunking and in-band or SS7-based equal access is discussed. Also, translations for domestic, access-tandem or international calls, using different feature groups, or sending one class of call to one IXC and all others to another IXC, and set-up of billing and AMA records is shown. Finally, various reports and statistics about equal-access information is demonstrated.
4 Day Course
Learn about the GTD-5's nomenclature and how to add, change and delete directory numbers, basic digit collection and translation, and how switch-based features including CLASS features are assigned (line administration). Also learn the basics about intra- and inter-switch trunk group translations, SS7 and Equal Access databases (trunk administration). Finally, students also learn about digit translation which shows how to set-up screening, announcements, billing parameters, office timing values, etc. As required, some overview on administering lines to survivable remotes like the RSU or a GR-303 remote, or how to program BRI lines can also be provided in this course. An introduction to the GTD5IO command input software is shown if needed.
5 Day Course
This Virtual “Live” Instructor-Led GTD-5® course is an extensive and accelerated maintenance course with updated, full-color block diagrams and frame images. The course was designed to jump-start students with little or no switching knowledge to a competency where they can perform Level-1 card-level repair on virtually any of the main modules in the GTD-5 switching system, including the ACDC, the APC/TPC complexes, the TCU (expanded & non-expanded versions), the MDC, NCU, and SSW, plus all subordinate devices within the BUNW such as the ACU, ALU & BLU lines, plus ATU, DCU and EDCU trunks. Ancillary equipment such as SS7 links, recorder announcers, ringing generators, and gateways such as those used for system remote-access equipment, the CPX, Extension Complex, billing, and remote switch monitoring are also discussed as needed. Troubleshooting techniques are taught pro-actively, including Maintenance-window procedures. Other modules are discussed per the needs of the class, such as the IOM, CMU, and remotes like the RSU, RLU, and MXU, plus the important role of GR-303 compliant RDT remotes in providing voice switching for customers served by optical or digital line networks. The FTU is emphasized, so that students have an appreciation of this critical module, and how line and trunk diagnostics operate. The GTD-5 User’s Guide is used extensively, allowing students to gain confidence in how the guide is presented, and how information can be found quickly. Other key documents are used as needed, like the Product Line Reference Guide (PLRG) and Hardware Matrix Report (HDWM). Recent-Change can optionally be added to the course, to show the basics on adding lines, trunks, or interrogating switch settings (CONT PARA, EXAM LTT, etc.) plus an overview of FACTS, such as Digit Translation (PRIN DXLN), and call registers (PRIN PROT, PRIN UNPR). Non-intrusive exercises are provided to locate various modules and cards within the switch, with a large number of previous faults & solutions used to gain practical experience. Existing system faults can also be analyzed, with repair action determined by the class, and the analysis provided to the group responsible for repair, where results can later be compared to the recommended action.
5 Day Course
An accelerated version of the traditional Nokia (formerly AG Communication Systems) GTD-5® maintenance and troubleshooting course with updated, full-color block diagrams and frame images. This course was designed to jump-start students with little or no switching knowledge to a competency where they can perform Level-1 card-level repair on virtually any of the main modules in the GTD-5®. Ancillary equipment such as SS7 links, recorder announcers, ringing generators, and gateways such as for remote-access equipment, the CPX, Extension Complex, billing and remote switch monitoring are also discussed as needed. Troubleshooting techniques are taught pro-actively, including Maintenance-window procedure. Envisioned as a minimum 5 day track, the actual course length and content is flexible, and can be adjusted depending upon the needs of the class. A 10 day version of the course provides the traditional maintenance- level background of all switch modules, and many support-level concepts, equipping students to handle most problems independently, while providing an excellent background for NOC and TAC interaction.
5 Day Course
This important device is the key of the Extension Complex, and has helped modernize the GTD-5 by performing many key roles in daily switch operations such as AMA and billing record recording, alarm information, and certain types of database administration such as for the Alcatel-Lucent XAIU line frame or fiber-optic High-Speed Interface trunking. It also is used to load new software releases, or standard switch image and loading procedures. It also offers a highly versatile user's guide terminal, a VPN connection between the GTD-5 and the internet, several ethernet-based input-output terminals, plus other gateway functions which make the OG a very flexible maintenance device. Because it runs on a UNIX shell, it uses a different command-line and desktop topology than other GTD-5 terminals. This layout and user commands are discussed, for both the underlying OS and higher level switch applications. Also, if using a highly-available OGHA (redundant) unit, techniques on how to inquire and control each "copy" are shown, as well as the correct maintenance techniques used to change cards. Since most telcos do not utilize all available aspects of the Operations Gateway, the 3 day course duration is usually sufficient to familiarize students with most concepts of their daily job functions. However, those requiring knowledge of multiple OG applications or those with no previous familiarity with UNIX shell commands might require additional time. In these cases, course durations of 4 or 5 days are usually sufficient to cover all needed instruction and practice.
3 Day Course
Intended for surveillance and central office personnel who need to report issues or act as first-response to various alarms, the general design concept and architecture of the GTD-5 is discussed with an emphasis on the nomenclature of the switch, how to interrogate alarms and basic switch database, and how to find the physical location of a frame or card based upon that information.
3 Day Course
Demonstrates the difference between direct trunking, SS7 direct trunking (F links) and signal transfer point (STP)-controlled trunks (using A links), and how to build a trunk group and the necessary database for each example. Also explains triggers and how they are used with the Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN), and in particular, how local number portability (LNP) triggers are set up.
4 Day Course
Carriers have offered connectivity services based on traditional TDM, Frame Relay and ATM for many years. However customers now use Ethernet as the interface of choice for virtually all services and applications. The cost of operating separate networks to provide each service, as well as the need to sell higher bandwidth services than can be offered with traditional networks, is forcing carriers to move to newer, more cost effective technologies, namely Ethernet, Backbone Bridging, IP and MPLS. Ethernet and IP have allowed networks to deliver high bandwidth and new services with greater flexibility, while MPLS has allowed these new services to become more "carrier-class", offering the connection-oriented behaviour, quality of service, and reliability normally associated with traditional technologies. However the signalling and routing costs of MPLS and layer 3 solutions have still been significant, which has lead to the development of other layer 2 Provider Backbone Transports (PBT) and Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) solutions for small to medium scale carrier metro services. The Metro Ethernet Forum has evolved a set of standard service definitions for the kinds of Ethernet services customers now require. These can deliver services between sites that look to customers like end to end Ethernet. For carriers they can emulate other traditional TDM services over the same infrastructure and deliver all services over a common unified network by adding Pseudo Wire Emulation edge to edge (PWE3). This course provides an in-depth look at carrier Ethernet technologies, the Metro Ethernet Forum specifications for services and how these can be delivered over carrier core networks along with other services deployed over PWE3.
4 Day Course
The Hands-On course will cover the Tellabs 530 / 532L that are considered a 3 / 1 / 0 dacs (digital cross connect system) Input/output ports can be DS3, STS1, E1 or DS1. Cross connects can be managed down to the DS0 (64k) level. There is a high degree of commonality in design and equipment between the Tellabs 5320L system and the Tellabs 5500 system. The design and equipment of the administrative control subsystem and of the SONET- based switch network subsystem are nearly identical in these two Tellabs product lines. This permits significant cost reductions in maintenance and spare parts inventory. This course will give attendees that are new to this system a strong foundation on the basic and some advanced operations of these systems. Students will be able to perform day-to-day operations and the tasks necessary to support these systems upon completion of this course.
4 Day Course
WDM technology (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) has revolutionized the telecommunications market in the whole world by offering a phenomenal cost-effective increase in the fiber transmission capacity. DWDM (Dense WDM) became commercial in 1995 while CWDM (Coarse WDM) emerged after 2000, stimulated by the telecom crisis. CWDM brings simpler technological concepts as compared to DWDM, cutting down prices, but fits just the lower transmission capacity markets, such as the metro and enterprise networks. More recently, new paradigmatic revolutions have made their way into the optical communication market: ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexing), Raman Amplification and Coherent Optical Systems. While these optical technologies are the perfect solutions to satisfy the growing demand for bandwidth they also provide radical cost reduction in the information transmission market. Students will Learn: Evolution of optical communications: -Usual multiplexing techniques in optical communications -SDH & SONET (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) – Brief description -Other transmission protocols and respective data rates Impairments in Optical Communications: -Optical attenuation -Chromatic dispersion -Polarization Mode Dispersion - PMD -Optical non-linearities -Optical signal to noise rati (OSNR) and EDFA noise -Optical amplification: -Chromatic dispersion compensation in high capacity optical transmission systems -Challenges for implementing modern optical transmission technologies WDM Technology: -DWDM and CWDM driving factors -Alternatives for increasing transmission capacity -Evolution of the WDM technology -Wide-Band WDM (WWDM), Coarse WDM (CWDM) and Dense WDM (DWDM) -DWDM - Technical, economical and logistic advantages -Technologies that made DWDM technology possible -CWDM - Characteristics, standardization and applications -CWDM - Technical, economical and logistic advantages -Comparisons between DWDM and CWDM -Network investments - important evaluations in the decision making process -New optical fibers for DWDM and CWDM - Which to choose? -Dispersion characteristics, effective area, second order dispersion -Advantages and disadvantages in DWDM and CWDM -TDM versus CWDM & DWDM, TDM-x versus TDM-4x in DWDM -Which and/or when each alternative is better -Open architecture versus closed architecture in DWDM -Wavelength Converting Transponders -Protection, restoration and reliability in the optical layer -Interoperability between suppliers -Network design methodology ROADM, Coherent Optical Communications & Raman Amplification: -ROADM - Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexing -Coherent Optical Communications -Raman Optical Amplification Tests and Measurements in WDM Networks: -Spectral measurements in WDM -Essential characteristics of the OSA -Technologies of spectral analysis -Required tests and measurement parameters -Use of OSA in the installation, monitoring and fault repairing of WDM networks -WDM test equipment suppliers -Specialized diagnostics of optical networks -PMD audits in the American and Brazilian fiber plants WDM Optical Networking WDM Market:
5 Day Course
Working on or above 600V to 69 kV industrial high voltage distribution systems requires qualification. In this training, attendees learn what it means to be HV qualified and what electrical tasks may only be performed by a qualified person. Based on the 2018 / 2021 NFPA 70E, this course helps you and your employees stay compliant with OSHA regulations, and provides updates from the 2018 NFPA 70E to the 2021 version. This course is current with the NFPA 70E Standard and OSHA Regulations (as applicable)
1 Day Course
In this Hands-On 5-day course, you'll develop a practical understanding of the operation of modern TCP/IP networks built with Cisco hardware. As you learn the commands and techniques used to troubleshoot host connections and configure Cisco switches and routers, you'll also practice backing up and restoring configuration files and managing network equipment.
5 Day Course
Building on the skills provided by ICND1 (Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1), ICND2 not only delivers essential information needed to pass the CCNA certification exams (if desired), it also gives you a solid technical foundation to ensure that you can succeed on the job. We've added our own real-world, hands-on labs designed by expert instructors to give you experience with practical scenarios, including issues involved when you expand the switched network from a small to medium network environment.
5 Day Course
This instructor-led course, designed to help you prepare for the CCNP wireless certification, a professional-level certification specializing in the wireless field. The goal of the course is to prepare you to secure the wireless network from security threats via appropriate security policies and best practices, as well as ensure the proper implementation of security standards and proper configuration of security components. The IAUWS reinforces the instruction by providing you with hand-on labs to ensure thorough understanding of how to secure a network.
5 Day Course
The Implementing and Configuring the Cisco Identity Services Engine course provides security and system engineers and administrators an intensive hands-on experience in setting up, deploying and managing the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) to support authentication, authorization, accounting and policy-based networking for devices and users. Students will walk through a complete install, configure the network and devices, and use ISE as a policy engine to protect the network. Hands-on labs include: Installing the Cisco ISE Certificate Operations Cisco ISE Node Deployment Configure and Add Network Access Devices to Cisco ISE Implementing ISE to support BYOD Configuring Multiple Cisco ISE Policies Configuring Cisco ISE Guest Services Guest Services Self-Registration Configuring Cisco ISE for Profiling Configuring Cisco ISE for Posture Assessment Cisco ISE Reporting Working with Cisco ISE Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Networking and Wi-Fi equipment is ubiquitous in telecom, and continues to evolve with new standards and features. It has become more important than ever for telco personnel to be competent with the setup, use, and troubleshooting of networking devices, particularly for customer-facing employees, yet many telco employees still have little or no formal training in networking. The Indoor Wi-Fi & Wired Networking - Fundamentals course provides students with a solid understanding of networking fundamentals. Topics include the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, switches, routers, Wi-Fi™, basic device security, set-up and troubleshooting. Many common networking terms are defined, allowing students to understand them when they hear them. Examples are shown for a typical Fiber-to-the-Prem circuit, such as via an ONT, WAP/AP, to a Wi-Fi router, followed by Hands-On set-up of actual Wi-Fi or network router equipment, as used by the telco (please co-ordinate with BTS). Students will finish the course with a greater understanding and confidence in networking, and be able to apply that knowledge when working with customers.
3 Day Course
The State of Minnesota Board of Electricity requires that technicians doing electrical work in a residence or commercial building must hold an Electricians License. This includes low voltage systems, such as telecommunications voice or data circuits, which requires the individual to have a Low Voltage Electrical License. The License is renewable every two years and requires 16 hours of Continuing Education: 4 hours on the NEC Code and 12 hours on the statutes and rules governing electrical installations or technical topics related to electrical installations and equipment. This seminar is Certified by the Department of Labor & Industry (course number 101203.01) and meets the requirements for 8 hours of non-NEC Code Continuing Education. This 8-hour training seminar is specifically related to the electrical installation of telecommunications equipment for proper bonding and grounding for personnel and equipment protection from lightning and AC power fault conditions. This seminar pertains to telecommunications circuits and equipment that are in, on or service to buildings; including residential, commercial and telephone buildings (Central Offices, Remotes, Cabinets, etc.). This seminar explains not only the requirements but also the technical reasons for the requirements. The attendee will have a much better understanding of why the requirements exist. References used for this seminar: ▪ Rural Utilities Service (RUS) documents. ▪ National Electric Safety Code (NESC 2017/2018) or current edition. ▪ Telecommunications company specific requirements. ▪ References to the National Electrical Code (NEC 2017/2018)
1 Day Course
This intensive 4-day course is designed to provide technical personnel with the skills they need to be able to design, install, configure and supp
This Hands-On course provides practical experience installing and configuring IP Office. Attendees will learn the skills they need to install and configure the IP Office system, software applications and Voicemail Pro.. Our course also provides Hands-on Labs throughout this course to reinforce topics covered and to give the attendee experience installing and configuring the IP Office Professional system.
4 Day Course
This Hands-On IP Office 500 Installation and Maintenance course provides attendees practical experience installing and configuring IP Office. Attendees will learn how to install, administer, and manage the implementation of IP Office. Our course also gives the attendees extensive Hands-On Labs throughout this training to reinforce topics covered and give the attendees practice installing and configuring the IP Office Professional system and using the IP Office applications.
4 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course provides an indepth look at IPTV Services deliver over Fiber Optics installation for installation technicians and technical support staff. IPTV generally includes the delivery of services over Passive and Active Optical Networks. Services generally include both live streamed TV and Video on demand services. VoD may be provided using RTSP applications, WebTV applications or both. This course will provide an understanding of how these services are delivered over routed and switched IP networks through Ethernet interfaces. Attendees will gain a Hands-On understanding of the function and operation of the equipment installed on customer site, installation testing of Passive and Active Optical Network equipment, ONT, OLT, Access devices, IPTV Set top boxes as well as their connection to modern TVs and Flat screen monitors as well as older CRT based equipment. This course is designed for installers who need a fast introduction to the technology, equipment and network architectures as well as identifying symptoms of problems or failures. The course will be run using an emulated customer environment in the classroom and attendees will use emulated headend streams to understand how set top boxes work. They will then install set top boxes and connect these to a selection of TV equipment and customer services. Fault conditions will then be introduced into the environment and the attendees will learn how to detect and identify these, locate the elements causing the fault, correct the fault and verify the completed working service. As part of the labs, attendees will be provided with examples of each type of Customer Equipment that will be installed and will practice installations of each type. They will then use Protocol analyzers, Test Meters, and software based protocol analyzers together with, wireless analyzers and IPTV transport stream analyzer software to test the installed services to verify correct operation and to locate faults. During the final day of the course the attendees will practice the skills that they have learned by undertaking an exercise testing and isolating faults in a number of configurations into which simulated customer faults have been inserted. They will isolate the faults and correct them as part of the Hands-On experience.
3 Day Course
IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol, extending network capabilities to support the strenuous demands of modern applications while creating a platform for future growth and innovation. In this Hands-On course, you gain the knowledge and skills to design, implement, verify and troubleshoot IPv6 on networks used by carriers, enterprises and at home. This course will include Real-World practical Hands-On labs and case studies. The aim will be to take set of working applications and migrate the environment to IPv6 to experience the problems created and implement the solutions Hands-On.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course is designed to provide an in depth practical as well as theoretical understanding of ISDN technology through a combination of Classroom discussion and Hands-On Labs on live ISDN circuits using test sets for troubleshooting and much more...
3 Day Course
The Litespan-2000 Maintenance & Troubleshooting course provides extensive information on the design, use, and maintenance of the Alcatel/DSC Litespan-2000 and Litespan-2012 (OC-12) Digital Loop Carrier systems. The course will provide the skills necessary to perform day-to-day maintenance, plus show how to troubleshoot faults. Various types of documentation will be discussed. This course should also greatly assist personnel when working with next-tier technical support.
5 Day Course
This low voltage qualified course focuses on electrical safety training for employees who work on 600V and below. This NFPA 70E based course goes beyond the theoretical to give attendees a complete understanding of the rules and regulations relating to electrical and arc flash safety and how to apply them in real-world situations. Based on the 2018 NFPA 70E, this course helps you and your employees stay compliant with OSHA regulations, and provides updates from the 2015 NFPA 70E to the 2018 version. This course is current with the NFPA 70E Standard and OSHA Regulations (as applicable)
1 Day Course
This course which covers the major area of LTE’s (Long Term Evolution) Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA). Mainly the Physical layer but the RLC, PDCP and MAC layers and interaction are included. The new physical layer is key to the level of performance that LTE must deliver and much flexibility has been incorporated to cope with varying allocations of spectrum, as well as the workbook in both printed and searchable electronic formats, attendees receive a specially produced LTE Air Interface acronym list. While there is a section on MIMO and beamforming antennas, this is a large subject and those requiring in-depth knowledge of this topic are directed towards the separate two day Antennas for LTE course.
2 Day Course
The traditional telecommunications billing paradigm of time and distance has been under attack in both fixed and mobile networks for some years and new, more sophisticated charging systems are being developed. For UMTS, a new charging architecture was specified by the 3GPP standards group. This evolved rapidly through Releases 6 and 7 of the 3GPP specifications and has been updated for LTE in Release 8. Following the industry maxim of not offering a service until it can be charged for, charging needs to be ahead of services in sophistication and this system is designed to cope with any future demands. This course presents the overall architecture of 3GPP Charging Management before specifically examining major aspects in some detail. These include the interfaces between components and the associated Reference Points as well as specific charging areas such as IMS and Location Services (LCS). The Diameter Base Protocol provides the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) facilities needed by the architecture. Diameter thus replaces older systems such as RADIUS. Policy-based charging is also covered.
2 Day Course
The goal of the LTE SAE from the 3GPP is to achieve a high-data-rate, low-latency, packet-optimized system that supports multiple access technologies. Long Term Evolution, as defined in the 3GPP Release 8 standards, has described both an evolved Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and a new core network strategy termed SAE - System Architecture Evolution. This is a specialized two day course which covers the major area of LTE’s (Long Term Evolution) evolved core network called SAE (Systems Architecture Evolution). The main part of SAE is the Evolved Packet Core (EPC), otherwise known as the SAE Core. The new core network is key to achieving the level of performance that LTE must deliver with the sort of low delay across the network that has been hitherto unachievable with GPRS and UMTS.
2 Day Course
This course establishes a strong foundation in managing the full range of Cisco wired and wireless infrastructure using Prime Infrastructure. During this course you will also explore the Application Visibility and Control capabilities of Prime Infrastructure through monitoring and troubleshooting problems on the network. The course puts the user in the context of a realistic customer scenario, and covers every aspect of Cisco Prime Infrastructure Lifecycle management approach. Students will create Sites, Maps, Deploy configurations, perform device discovery as well as learn to set alarms and troubleshoot network and application issues.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On Accelerated course will prepare Microsoft professionals for the Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Server Administrator / Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows Server 2008 certification. In this intensive test-preparation program, you will practice sample questions and take simulated exams using Transcender, the industry-leading IT certification-preparation product. Fast-paced, rapid review sessions cover key material, providing comprehensive exam preparation. Microsoft recently announced new certifications with an increased focus on business-context problems and solutions using cloud-based skills. Achieving MCSA: Windows Server 2008 certification is your first step towards distinguishing yourself as having the commitment, technical expertise, and ability to design innovative solutions across multiple technologies, both on-premise and in the cloud. You Will Prepare for These Exams: 70-640: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring 70-642: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring 70-646: Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator Upon Passing the Exams You Will Earn These Certifications: MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration MCITP: Server Administrator / MCSA: Windows Server 2008
6 Day Course
Carriers have offered connectivity services based on traditional TDM, Frame Relay and ATM for many years. However customers now use Ethernet as the interface of choice for virtually all services and applications. The cost of operating separate networks to provide each service, as well as the need to sell higher bandwidth services than can be offered with traditional networks, is forcing carriers to move to newer, more cost effective technologies, namely Ethernet, Backbone Bridging, IP and MPLS. Ethernet and IP have allowed networks to deliver high bandwidth and new services with greater flexibility, while MPLS has allowed these new services to become more "carrier-class", offering the connection-oriented behaviour, quality of service, and reliability normally associated with traditional technologies. However the signalling and routing costs of MPLS and layer 3 solutions have still been significant, which has lead to the development of other layer 2 Provider Backbone Transports (PBT) and Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB) solutions for small to medium scale carrier metro services. The Metro Ethernet Forum has evolved a set of standard service definitions for the kinds of Ethernet services customers now require. These can deliver services between sites that look to customers like end to end Ethernet. For carriers they can emulate other traditional TDM services over the same infrastructure and deliver all services over a common unified network by adding Pseudo Wire Emulation edge to edge (PWE3). This course provides an overview of carrier Ethernet technologies, their installation, testing and troubleshooting for Technicians.
3 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
2 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
3 Day Course
There are a number of mobile applications that requires that a central server be aware of the location of the mobiles which are using that application. Often GPS is available but this is not always either available or suitable. This is especially true of the location of a mobile is to be determined without the mobile being involved by using either a GPS chip or any detection of the location process. While mobile operators have network-based methods for finding where their mobiles are and are also prepared to sell that information, that may also not always be appropriate.. A location detection system can be network-based, mobile-based or mobile-assisted. The service should be able to operate over as many mobile technologies as possible internationally, not just GSM and UMTS. This may require different location detection techniques for different networks. Location sensing and location based applications are rapidly finding their place in the mobile marketplace. GPS is currently the preferred solution. Therefore the GPS solution is therefore described is some depth. However, other solutions are available and will be described and considered in their own right.
2 Day Course
With 3G mobile technologies already rolled out by over 200 operators in over 80 countries, standards bodies, manufacturers and operators are looking towards the next generation of mobile technology. The UMTS standards body, 3GPP has created a plan to achieve ambitious goals for where mobile communications should go. This is Long Term Evolution – LTE. For technicians and technical professionals to stay in touch with this evolution, a good grounding in the technology and terminology of 2G, 3G and 4G systems is needed. The key conceptual design philosophies of each generation need to be understood in order to build effective networks as they evolve. Transition will not occur overnight. Indeed it may be many years before every network has transitioned every part to 4G. The mechanisms of linking the different technologies must be appreciated. The increased performance in the future will depend upon changes in the radio path. The new or changed areas include the use of MIMO antenna systems, OFDM-based multiple access as well as the architectural changes. This course describes the technical features of 2G GSM, 3G UMTS and the evolution of technologies that will change to support 4G LTE. This includes, notably, the core network which has its own evolution plan, SAE, System Architecture Evolution. Examples of switched configuration will be studied to illustrate practical aspects.
4 Day Course
This course is designed to combine both MS Project 2013 Level I and Level 2 into one combined course to familiarize you with the basic and advanced features and functions of Microsoft Project Professional 2013. This way, attendees can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world environment. Turn your project into a success story. From resource allocation and cost projections to progress tracking and deadlines, you’ll understand and be confident using Microsoft Project 2013 and gain Real-World Hands-On Experience by taking this 2-Day combo course.
2 Day Course
The real time transfer of information from source to many receivers is increasingly a requirement of modern networks. While it is possible to transfer information with simple client server techniques developed within the Internet Protocol Suite, transfer using this “unicasting” does not scale well to large communities. Multicasting provides a means of distributing information to multiple receivers at the same moment over a tree of paths through routed networks. In its simplest form it can be used for the distribution of streams of multimedia over a private infrastructure delivering different channels each as a different multicast group address. In the corporate environment it might be carried over VPNs configured over MPLS infrastructures where the network provision may be separated from the sources and receivers. In such environments the configuration and troubleshooting of stream transmission becomes more challenging. This course will provide a sound coverage of Multicast protocols and addressing. This will include Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) versions 2 and 3. Key addressing and multicast routing will be considered for both within Autonomous Systems and Between Autonomous Systems. The scaling implications of both source tree and shared tree techniques will be considered and the mechanisms for advertising, requesting and pruning distributed streams will be considered. The mechanisms available for monitoring and troubleshooting stream distributions on Cisco platforms will be considered.
4 Day Course
This extensive course is taught by our SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) on the NEC® code-making panels, this comprehensive course is a must-take course. Whether running power to a new piece of electrical equipment, setting the overloads on a motor starter, installing a security camera, or replacing fluorescent ballast; compliance with the NEC is mandatory. The code has been adopted as law in all states. We cover all 2017 NEC major changes that are highlighted throughout this course. This course covers the 255 reported changes and more: Five new articles include: Energy Storage Systems, Article 706; Large-Scale PV Electric Power Production, Article 691; Stand-Alone Systems, Article 710; Direct-Current Microgrids, Article 712; and Fixed Industrial Process Heating, Article 425. Five improvements to the NEC® include Single-Phase Dwelling Services & Feeders, 310.15(B)(7); GFCI Protection for Non-Dwelling Units, 210.8(B); Reconditioned Equipment, ID & Traceability, 110.21(A)(2); Short-Circuit Current Documentation, 9 locations throughout; and Limited Access Working Space Requirement, 110.26(A)(4). And more...
2 Day Course
The State of Minnesota Board of Electricity requires that technicians doing electrical work in a residence or commercial building must hold an Electricians License. This includes low voltage systems, such as telecommunications voice and data circuits, which requires the individual to have a Low Voltage Electrical License. The License is renewable every two years and requires 16 hours of Continuing Education; 4 hours of NEC and 16 hours of other related material. This seminar is Certified by the Board of Electricity and meets the requirements for Low Voltage License Renewal Continuing Education. This 8-hour training seminar meets the requirements for 4 hours of NEC Code and 4 hours of other related material. This seminar covers aspects of the NEC 2017/2018 that specifically pertain to telecommunications circuits and equipment that are in, on or service to buildings; including residential, commercial and telephone buildings (Central Offices, Remotes, Cabinets, etc.). This seminar explains not only the Code requirements but also the technical reasons for the requirements. The attendee will have a much better understanding of why the Code requirements exist. The training seminar also covers the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) that provides Code requirements for Outside Plant cables and equipment. These are the Official Code references for this seminar: NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC 2017/2018). IEEE C2-2017, National Electric Safety Code (NESC 2017/2018). Rural Utilities Service (RUS) documents. E-CFR, Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
1 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
3 Day Course
NFPA 79 Training - Electrical Standard For Industrial Machinery - Our 16-hour Instructor-Led, course teaches proper production equipment uptime and reliability. This course is designed for employees who maintain or repair machine electrical controls as part of a company’s production process. NFPA 79-2021 provides safeguards for industrial machinery to protect operators, equipment, facilities, and work-in-progress from fire and electrical hazards. NFPA 79-2021 is the Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery and thus one of the most important industry-specific standards in North America. As of the standard's current 2018 edition, surge protection is now also a mandatory component of all industrial machinery. Worker and equipment safety is the key when working with industrial machinery, not only the kind of safety that protects and preserves lives but also the procedures that help protect your valuable equipment. Avoiding equipment downtime from accidents and disruptions, as well as the added costs of replacing damaged equipment, is the focus of this course. NFPA 79-2021 Electrical Standard For Industrial Machinery is the key regulatory standard for administering a safety protocol in any business that uses industrial machinery. This standard provides information that helps managers and workers apply the provisions of the standard to electrical equipment or systems. It applies to electrical or electronic equipment (or apparatus or systems) of industrial machines “supplied from nominal voltage of 1000 volts or less.” The standard applies to the “point of connection of the supply circuit conductors to the electrical equipment of the machine.” The standard is designed to protect equipment, operators, the facilities, and jobs in progress from electrical and fire hazards. Our course helps students to understand NFPA 79-2021 and its relationship with other NFPA codes. Learn how to effectively use the Standard as a guideline for wiring, sizing conductors and overcurrent protection for industrial machines operating from a nominal voltage of 1000 volts or less. The NFPA 70 addresses how that equipment can be electrically installed; but the NEC stops at the outside of the piece of equipment. NFPA 79-2021 picks-up inside the equipment and addresses how the wiring and grounding of the actual piece of equipment is done. When equipment does need maintenance or repair, workers need to understand why the electrical controls and components were designed and installed the way they are so you can keep it that way.
2 Day Course
This Hands-On 4-day course is designed to provide technicians with a practical understanding of Norstar CallPilot Messaging. This course is design
This Technician level course is designed for personnel responsible for completing programming records, installing, programming and/or troubleshooting Norstar MICS systems. For employees with a good level product knowledge, this course may be used as a refresher to learn about features added in the most recent software versions. The most commonly used parameters of configuration, programming, general administration and maintenance will be covered.
4 Day Course
This extensive Virtual "Live" Instructor-Led course will focus on extensive hardware breakdown and overview of each systems Core Processor-IODU-C / System Controller layout and interface to trunking and stations. Peripheral overview includes dumb terminal connectivity and remote access programming and set up. Will also cover the initial system setup including creation of routes and Route List Index entries implementing North American Numbering Plan and on basic administration including digital and analog trunk and phone adds, moves, changes, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Also covering basic administration including mailbox creation, Application Builder, maintenance, and back-up as well integration to each perspective system and implementing back up for system recovery for each PBX type post defective hardware replacement scenario.
5 Day Course
The primary Hands-On focus will be on extensive hardware breakdown and overview of each systems Core Processor-IODU-C / System Controller layout and interface to trunking and stations. Peripheral overview includes dumb terminal connectivity and remote access programming and set up. Will also cover the initial system setup including creation of routes and Route List Index entries implementing North American Numbering Plan and on basic administration including digital and analog trunk and phone adds, moves, changes, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Also covering basic administration including mailbox creation, Application Builder, maintenance, and back-up as well integration to each perspective system and implementing back up for system recovery for each PBX type post defective hardware replacement scenario.
5 Day Course
This extensive course will provide the skills required to perform testing and maintenance of trunks in the SL-100 Switch and will provide skills required to troubleshoot and correct area code trouble tickets. Will familiarize technicians in the maintenance administration position (MAP) and get familiar with the maintenance system (MAPCI, MTC). Also familiarize with file systems (SLM) and with the usage of the SL-100 documentation (which includes all circuit pack descriptions and functions of every component in the SL-100 switch given to every student on a flash drive by BTS). Testing of trunks and correcting trunk troubles are also covered and be able to generate manual back-up’s monthly. This course will also cover a major oversight in a lot of switches; to safely replace defective circuit packs in SL-100 switch. This course will refresh and give all attendees a strong practical Hands-On training to perform the day-to-day operations of the SL-100 systems.
5 Day Course
This extensive course was designed for those new to local loop design, planning and engineering - whether in telecommunications, CATV engineers designing fiber or copper, traffic engineering, municipal engineering, public utilities or any other roles that require familiarity with standards and common practices in outside plant design for fiber and copper. This course begins with the basic concepts such as basic electricity, basic telephony, outside plant components and loop transmission. It steadily builds to more advanced concepts and skills, including feeder and distribution designs, digital loop carrier systems and fiber optics. Local loop facilities sometime referred to as "the last mile” are a critical and capital-intensive network component in delivering reliable and adequate telecommunications services to a local carrier's customers. The third day and the final day consist of copper and fiber design exercises that put to work the theories and practical parts of the course. Students will receive 4 fiber design cost models that they can use to examine fiber design alternatives. They will also have a chance to show the area they want to design in class so a design can be started for it. In today's competitive markets, local loop facilities that are cost-effective, reliable and capable of accommodating changing customer needs are key to your organization's success.
5 Day Course
This extensive Virtual "Live" Instructor-Led course was designed for those new to local loop design, planning and engineering - whether in telecommunications, CATV engineers designing fiber or copper, traffic engineering, municipal engineering, public utilities or any other roles that require familiarity with standards and common practices in outside plant design for fiber and copper. This course begins with the basic concepts such as basic electricity, basic telephony, outside plant components and loop transmission. It steadily builds to more advanced concepts and skills, including feeder and distribution designs, digital loop carrier systems and fiber optics. Local loop facilities sometime referred to as "the last mile” are a critical and capital-intensive network component in delivering reliable and adequate telecommunications services to a local carrier's customers. The third day and the final day consist of copper and fiber design exercises that put to work the theories and practical parts of the course. Students will receive 4 fiber design cost models that they can use to examine fiber design alternatives. They will also have a chance to show the area they want to design in class so a design can be started for it. In today's competitive markets, local loop facilities that are cost-effective, reliable and capable of accommodating changing customer needs are key to your organization's success.
5 Day Course
This extensive 5 day course was designed for those new to local loop planning and engineering, this course begins with the basic concepts such as outside plant components and loop transmission. It steadily builds to more advanced concepts and skills, including serving area designs, digital loop carrier systems and fiber optics. Local loop facilities, sometime referred to as "the last mile, "are a critical and capital-intensive network component in delivering reliable and adequate telecommunications services to a local carrier's customers. In today's competitive markets, local loop facilities that are cost-effective, reliable and capable of accommodating changing customer needs are key to your organization's success.
5 Day Course
This 2-day Hands-On course will teach your technicians to operate and fully understand the menus on their testing and fault locating equipment. Students will learn loop parameters needed to provide the many services customers are demanding in today’s communications world. There will be in-depth instruction on maintaining the outside plant and how to successfully locate problem areas. This will include: resistive and capacitive faults, power influence, and other problems associated with analog and digital transmission. All loop testing is reinforced with hand-on exercises and can be taken to the field if applicable. The students will use state-of-the-art test equipment such as the, EXFO-635, HST3000, Viavi ONX-580, Dynatel 965DSP/DSP-AMS, Sidekick Meter, and incorporate any meter(s) that students can bring to the session to use during the hands-on lab procedures throughout the course. Locating buried cables will also be covered and fault simulators will be used during the hands-on lab exercises to reinforce “Real-World Experience“. Emphasis will be placed on how to effectively use OSP Test Equipment. Most technicians in the field today only utilize about 30% of this test instrument’s capabilities; our goal is to have a 100% of their test instrument’s capabilities put to use in the field. No sales pitch in this course, just training! Our SME’s have the field experience to find the answers to real live scenarios, providing students with a “Real-World Experience” This course is designed to give the attendees the knowledge of not only how to test with a fault locating meter, but most important, understand what the meter is telling them. All of the explanations of cable and faults are reinforced with Hands-On exercises. This is done with actual cable to give a full understanding of the menus.
2 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
Course description coming soon...
3 Day Course
This Extensive Hands-On course Advances attendees to the main Interior and Exterior Gateway protocols, OSPF and BGP4. This course will cover configuration, design, monitor, and troubleshooting of OSPF and BGP protocol from where the Basic course left off to this advanced level course. This course is the follow-on course from our Hands-On OSPF and BGP Basics 3-day course. This is a powerful Hands-On course that provides you with the required knowledge and skills to design, deploy, operate, and maintain an Internet service provider (ISP) backbone network. You will learn the primary principles of the routing protocols that are used in small to very large networks.
2 Day Course
This Hands-On course covers the main concepts of Interior and Exterior Gateway protocols, OSPF and BGP4 and the fundamental BGP configuration as well as specific BGP issues such as creating a routing policy, building scalable BGP configurations, building a multi-homed network, getting an AS number and how to connect to an Internet exchange. OSPF forms the most powerful Interior Gateway Protocol available for running routing inside an Enterprise or with an ISP. Interconnecting ISP requires Exterior Gateway protocols, and the current Internet requires BGP4. This course will give attendees a very strong and comfortable foundation in the Real-World of OSPF and BGP.
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course addresses telecommunications Outside Plant construction, routine maintenance and trouble isolation related to Bonding, Grounding and Power. We provide students with an understanding of electrical sources that could injure people or damage equipment, proper bonding & grounding procedures to minimize the effects and the proper test procedures to determine the integrity of the Outside Plant bonding & grounding system. This course covers proper bonding, grounding and power of Outside Plant equipment for the protection of people from injury and equipment from damage due to foreign voltage and current originating from lightning and commercial AC power. References for this training class are the National Electrical Code (NEC) and Rural Utility Service (RUS) documents.
2 Day Course
This course provides a practical and in-depth foundation on Private Branch Exchange (PBX) or a Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX - which is out of fashion since all modern day PBXs are automatic), is a phone switch serving a business or organization and is usually located on the organization's premises. The PBX provides phone services including internal calling, and access to the public switched telephone network. It allows a small number of outside lines to be shared among all of the people of the organization. Advanced PBX phone switches sometimes provide auto-attendant, voice-mail, and ACD (automatic call distribution) services for the organization.
2 Day Course
The Understanding PDH/SONET/SDH Networks course has been developed to quickly on-board those new to telecom transport. While PDH and SONET are the main focus of the course, SDH is also explored and compared, in cases where employees encounter the use of this standard in the field. Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) circuits are discussed first, both for their legacy and ongoing role within the telecom network, and also for their basis as SONET's VT1.5 and STS-1 frames. Fiber optic networks are also discussed and compared to electrical signal transport, including the nature of synchronous and asynchronous circuits, and the need for a synchronous optical network. The SONET protocol is then looked at in more detail, including the use of overhead to provide alarm, pointer, DCC and other information as signals traverse different layers of the SONET model. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) is then explained and compared to SONET, along with speed and frame differences. Various test equipment is also demonstrated, such as PDH (DS1/DS3) and SONET test sets, as well as optical inspection and OTDR instruments. Finally, Laser safety, fiber optic routing, cleaning and care are also emphasized.
2 Day Course
This course teaches installation and troubleshooting technicians the key elements needed for installing, testing and maintaining antennas and masts. The course introduces the elementary principles of radio used in all classes of service. It teaches what kinds of antenna systems exist and which offer advantages for particular applications. Siting masts is becoming more difficult and so it has become necessary to share masts where possible and also to share antennas. Methods for achieving this will be considered. However within built-up areas or areas of natural beauty new masts may need to be concealed or located in less than optimal locations. The course will address these issues and provide potential solutions.
2 Day Course
This extensive course covers the essentials of SCADA and PLC systems, which are often used in close association with each other. A selection of case studies are used to illustrate the key concepts with examples of real world working SCADA and PLC systems in the water, electrical and processing industries. This course will be an excellent opportunity to network with your peers, as well as to gain significant new information and techniques for your next SCADA / PLC project. Although the emphasis of the course will be on practical industry topics highlighting recent developments, using case studies, the latest application of SCADA, PLC technologies and fundamentals will be covered. The question is which PLC is being used. We present this course focusing on the generic PLC and use the open programming IEC 61131-3 standard. For specific examples we use the Allen Bradley range, but are not selling Allen Bradley or for that matter any other PLC! This course is designed to benefit you with practical up-to-date information on the application of PLC systems to the automation and process control industries. It is suitable for people who have little or no exposure to PLCs, but expect to become involved in some or all aspects of PLC installation. It aims to give practical advice from experts in the field, to assist you to correctly plan, program and install a PLC with a shorter learning curve and more confidence. While the course is ideal for electricians, technicians and engineers who are new to PLCs, much of the material covered will be of value to those who already have some basic skills, but need a wider perspective for larger and more challenging tasks ahead. The information covered advances from the basics to challenge even the most experienced engineer in the industry today.
4 Day Course
This Hands-On React2000-2001 course can be taught to testers that are experienced as well as employees in the beginning stages of testing. The React200-2001 course could and most likely will require some follow up by additional technical training. Future procedural and equipment upgrades of systems could require expanded training of React2000-2001. This React2000-2001 course is developed to cover current testing features that are in place for each distinct customer. Five distinct circuits, one of the each following types: • -DS0 Voice • -DS0 Data • -DDS • -DS1 • -E1 Information required from these types included: • -Circuit ID • -DACS ID • -Circuit layout The student’s coursebook provided is for the student to keep after they finish the course. Students are encouraged to enter their notes and mark down the Hands-On Labs they completed for future reference.
2 Day Course
This course provides systems engineers and integrators with a fast technical overview of current state of the art technology for capture, encoding and distribution of High Definition (HD) and 3D television. The course includes technical discussion of the technologies used with practical demonstrations where possible and appropriate. It will try to identify where commercial off the shelf technology exists and compare practical standards that exist for TV distribution. Several distribution technologies exist each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Two groups of distribution technologies will be studied and compared in detail. Firstly delivery of services over radio frequency (RF) systems. This will include point to point microwave, terrestrial broadcast, RF over coaxial cable and over Hybrid Fiber Coaxial cable (HFC) networks. Distribution over optical fiber will also be examined considering the problems of selecting fiber types, transmitter wavelengths and system construction. Point to point single wavelength and multiple wavelength systems will be compared and both active and passive optical network systems (PON) compared. A key part of any services is the compatibility of system component subsystems with each other and with national and International public services. The course will examine the currently available IPTV standards, standards for RF and for fiber optical systems. Where feasible, practical demonstrations within the classroom will be used. These will be used to illustrate elements of the technology difficult to describe. Video presentation of field installations and field deployments will also be used.
5 Day Course
Designed for IT professionals working to become full-time Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators, this course is a follow up to Red Hat System Administration I (RH124), includes the RHCSA exam, and continues to utilize today's best-of-breed, contemporary teaching methodology. You will be actively engaged in task-focused activities, lab-based knowledge checks, and facilitative discussions to ensure maximum skills transfer and retention. Building on the foundation of command line skills covered in RH124, you will dive deeper into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, adding to your arsenal of administration skills. By the end of this course, you will be able to administer and troubleshoot file systems and partitioning, logical volume management, access control, and package management. You will take the RHCSA exam on the final day of class.
5 Day Course
This course, as prescribed by industry and OSHA standards, provides a basic awareness level understanding that allows the towerhand to recognize and identify RF safety hazards that may be present, and how to minimize the risk of exposure.
1 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On course will describe the importance of securing information, and identify the different ways to guard yourself against social engineering exploits. This course will also cover the security practices related to computers, mobile devices, networks, and the Internet. Teach techs to maintain the security of the files and folders stored on your computing devices, identify and protect information against risks associated with the cyber world, identify potential security incidents, ways to respond in the event of a possible breach, and measures to prevent a security breach. Also identify methods to keep the cloud and virtualized environments secured and much more...
3 Day Course
This Hands-On course provides in-depth coverage on the ShoreTel Small Business Edition (SBE), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone system, which integrates voice and data transmission. ShoreTel Small Business Edition (SBE) was created to help empower small business owners with productivity-boosting UC (Unified Communications) applications, while delivering exceptional ease of management and low total cost of ownership. Most standard functions, such as adding or changing phones, and moving users, can be done by anyone with basic IT knowledge and skills. This Hands-On course will allow participants to work with an in-class intranet infrastructure constructed with ShoreTel switches, server and telephones. Upon successfully constructing and testing the in-class Intranet, participants will observe the installation of voice hardware and software on PCs.
3 Day Course
This training program provides students with an accelerated schedule. Through a combination of new content, lab exercises, and top notch presentations, students will be integrated in the world of Solaris 10 operating system (Solaris 10 OS) administration and be prepared to take the Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Exam, Parts I & II. This accelerated course provides experienced system administrators with the necessary skills to successfully administer Sun Microsystems Solaris 10 OS-based desktop and server systems. Live, breath, eat, and drink Solaris 10 OS administration for one week. Receive vouchers for the Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Exam Part I and for the Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Exam Part II. This course supports the following two courses: System Administration for the Solaris 10 Operating System Part 1 This course gets you further engaged with the most efficient, secure, and reliable operating system ever built, giving you direct experience with the most essential system administration tasks in the Solaris 10 OS. You will be instructed in crucial system management skills including managing local disk devices, managing UFS file systems, installing and removing Solaris packages and patches, and performing system boot procedures. The course also covers user and security administration, managing network printers and system processes, and performing system backups and restores. This course is the first of a two-part series that helps you prepare for Part I of the Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Exam. System Administration for the Solaris 10 Operating System Part 2: This course expands your mastery of the most advanced operating system on the planet: Solaris 10. This course provides you with hands-on experience working with more complex and integrated administration concepts as it builds upon the Part 1 course. You will be instructed in essential system administration skills including configuring network interfaces, managing swap configurations, crash dumps, and core files. The course also covers configuring NFS and AutoFS, as well as system messaging, managing storage volumes and ZFS file systems, setting up naming services, and managing Solaris Zones. This course helps you to prepare for Part II of the Sun System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Exam. Note: The hands-on labs offered in this course may involve accessing equipment that resides at a location other than where the training is delivered. Certification: Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Part I (CX-310-200) The Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS Part I Exam is for candidates with a minimum of six to twelve months of experience as a system administrator. The exam presumes the test candidate has an in-depth knowledge of basic UNIX and Solaris OS commands, such as those commands covered in the SA-200-S10 courseware. The exam also presumes the test candidate has system administration expertise for SPARC-, x64-, and x86-based systems. The examination includes multiple-choice, scenario-based questions and drag-and-drop questions and requires extensive knowledge on Solaris OS administration topics, including how to manage file systems, install software, perform system boot and shutdown procedures, perform user and security administration, manage network printers and system processes, and perform system backups and restores. The examination is a prerequisite to the Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris10 OS Part II Exam. Test candidates must pass the Part I exam before proceeding to the Part II exam.
5 Day Course
This 3 day Hands-On training course is designed for telephone company employees responsible for engineering and provisioning Special Circuits. This training provides in-depth training of special circuits currently used, the theory behind each type, design requirements, and actual equipment used in the Central Office, outside plant and the customer premise. This course provides the required foundation, understanding and Hands-On skill set for any technician in a special Circuit environment.
3 Day Course
This 2-day course The dramatic increase in Internet traffic is driving the need to standardize strategies for offloading data from the circuit-swi
A vast majority of Telecommunications companies use T1 (DS1) and Fiber Optic network systems as the primary method of transporting voice and data on their transmission networks; therefore, having well trained technicians with the ability to install, maintain and troubleshoot these systems is vital to providing high-quality reliable service to customers in a highly competitive environment. This 2-day Hands-On course is an intense training experience that combines T1, T3 and fiber optics theory and operations with hands-on troubleshooting. BTS provides a live working classroom lab with typical equipment currently deployed in the telecommunications industry. Students learn how these systems work, then are required to use the knowledge to test, troubleshoot and repair the circuits.
2 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
3 Day Course
This Hands-On 2-day course is designed to train Broadband (Cable TV) Technicians and their Supervisors in the fundamentals of installation and testing of T1 and T3 circuits. This course does not include the HFC facilities.
2 Day Course
This course is designed to educate telecom installers how to correctly bond and ground telecommunications equipment and transmission facilities. Central office entrance facilities both copper and fiber will be covered in this course...
2 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
2 Day Course
Course description coming soon...
The Tellabs® 1000 (UMC1000) Maintenance and Troubleshooting Course (formerly the AFC UMC1000) is designed to provide any student with a solid understanding of the various aspects of the AccessMAX/MSAP-series platform and its many features and options. The roles of a 1000 network shelf within a modern switching & transport network is explored, with discussions on its theory, options, maintenance, provisioning, and troubleshooting. The hardware design of the system and its versions (POTS, ATM, ADSL/VDSL, PON) are explained, along with optional LET/RST and TR-8, TR-57, & GR-303 configurations, including connections to existing Class 5 switching systems. Various options are explained, including the different types of customer POTS plug-ins, T1, DS3, and ADSL/VDSL. Key concepts like TDM switching, copper and optical transport, and host-remote are explained, plus newer services like FTTP and OLT/ONTs are introduced. Transaction Language 1 (TL1), Craft Interface GUI, Panorama, and other input-output options are shown. Common maintenance functions like checking alarms, air filters, and backups are discussed, along with more advanced troubleshooting procedures for card-level repair, and for analysis of host T1 links with EOC/TMC channels. Other AccessMAX equipment is also reviewed, including DMAX™, EMAX™, as well as UMC variants within the Multiservice Access Platform (MSAP) series, including the multiple types of RSC cabinets. Fundamentals of telecom copper and fiber networks is also provided, to help the student understand the many ways of connecting to the equipment, and to understand its many features. Symptom investigation and troubleshooting are demonstrated using previous trouble examples, and through actual troubles which may exist in the network. Common fault types and best practices are also presented, to help prevent troubles from occurring in the first place. In addition to supporting independent problem-solving skills, the course helps provide an excellent background for NOC and TAC interaction. Our non-intrusive exercises equip the student to conduct day-to-day maintenance activities and show how to perform troubleshooting procedures, including aspects of problem isolation, cabling and port/card provisioning, which helps prepare students for higher-tier support interaction. The course is flexible, allowing the most important content for a particular group of students to be emphasized, and to allow for emphasis on the particular MSAP/UMC1000 platform(s) in use.
5 Day Course
This extensive course has become a very high demand need today, as it starts by introducing delegates to the concept of the next generation of AAA server (after the traditional RADIUS) called Diameter. This is described in depth within the context of the IETF Diameter Credit Control Application.. The course then fits the knowledge of Diameter and the Credit Control Application into the 3GPP UMTS and LTE Charging Management architecture. An overview of the preferred Transport Layer (Layer 4) for Diameter, SCTP is also covered.
2 Day Course
This in-depth course teaches the fundamentals of Special Services circuit design using TIRKS. Participants will acquire essential TIRKS manipulation skills and circuit design fundamentals via a series of Hands-On design exercises.
5 Day Course
This course teaches ISDN circuit design fundamentals. The participants will design several ISDN circuits using TIRKS.
5 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On course is aimed at Field Service technicians, Systems Engineers, Systems Specialists, Integrators, Developers, Designers, Customer Support and Systems Delivery Project Engineers who need to troubleshoot LTE service network Interfaces. In particular the course will focus on the air interface, S1 interface carrying signals between MME, and eNodeB backhaul and the X1 Interface used to interconnect eNodeB devices. It will teach the fundamentals of the supported protocols, how to filter traffic by protocol type, address and conversation and how to identify potential faults, failures and much more...
2 Day Course
This extensive course delivers an in-dept overview of DWDM and how it can be used in small carrier networks. The course will examine why DWDM might be used, compare its operation with single wavelength and Course Wavelength systems and identify the advantages and challenges. The course will then examine how SONET systems function so that attendees can appreciate the different levels in the hierarchy and how different OC levels perform. Many modern optical systems now carry IP, so the course will then go on to examine routing and switching technologies used by Cisco. The course will also compare different classes of Cisco routers and identify the advantages and applications for each of the different types. This course will then bring together the concepts learned to identify how modern carrier networks can take advantage of these technologies today and how the technology is likely to evolve over the next few years.
2 Day Course
This Hands-On course is a must for your cable locating technicians. Today's congested underground environments with the massive deployment of fiber optic cables, existing copper in the ground, underground utilities (facilities) for telephone and internet services, cabling systems, electric services, gas lines, liquid pipelines, water and sanitary sewage systems, etc. There are too many uncertainties out in the field. Without the proper training, one missed locate can cost you a lot of money and major headaches. Today's digital locators have pinpoint accuracy, and are superior to locators of the past. We will show you how to use these new locators and the locators you have on-site. This course can also be geared to and/or include: -Sheath fault locating BTS is one of the only U.S. and International Approved Vendor for Phillips 66 and we are the only NULCA accredited trainer in the country, we teach to CGA standards.
2 Day Course
VDSL/VDSL2 is the most powerful member of the xDSL family, capable to provide up to 100 Mbps on a single telephone wire. It provides unmatched flexibility in rate, reach and symmetry to satisfy the increasing demand for high-speed services such as corporate communications, fast internet access and high quality digital audio and video delivery. This course will provide a Hands-On understanding to the VDSL/VDSL2 technology and its applications. It will give cover the VDSL/VDSL2 system, describing channel conditions, system architecture, and VDSL/VDSL2 performance in terms of rate-reach-symmetry objectives. It will cover the basic principles of VDSL/VDSL2, explaining why VDSL/VDSL2 is not just an upgrade of ADSL in terms of higher transmission speed, and summarizing the features in the current VDSL standard that allow customization and on-the-fly configuration of the modems. In particular, it will study a general block diagram of a DMT based VDSL/VDSL2 modems, describing some of the signal processing techniques that enable this high performance operation and flexibility. Finally, it will describe some of the applications for VDSL/VDSL2 such as ATM over DSL and Ethernet over DSL. Students Will Learn: -A definition for VDSL (What?) -Penetration of VDSL/VDSL2 (Who?) -VDSL/VDSL2 for Triple-Play (Why?) -Anatomy of a VDSL/VDSL2 System (How?) -The VDSL/VDSL2 Standard (How?) -Deployment of VDSL/VDSL2 (How?) -Some VDSL/VDSL2-based Applications (Where?) -Testing and Troubleshooting VDSL/VDSL2 (How?) -The VDSL/VDSL2 future -and More...
2 Day Course
This extensive Virtual "Live" Instructor-Led course provides the absolute foundation needed for any CO (Central Office) Personnel that plans on going through an specific Switch training. Understanding new and existing switching equipment within a central office can be daunting. The CO Switching Fundamentals course was developed upon request to help techs with relatively little CO experience to become knowledgeable about various switching technologies found within a CO, how switches work, and how they connect with other network elements. Envisioned as a preparatory course for TDM Switching courses, this course can also be offered to prepare for Optical ROADM, MPLS, and/or IP telephony switching. The course starts with an overview of the PSTN, and the equipment found within almost any typical Central Office. Common terms and mnemonics are used extensively to help immerse students with the lingo, and learn the terminology quickly. Analog and digital signals are explained, including the differences between TDM and FDM, the ADC/DAC process, and PCM which are foundations for nearly all switching technology. Common digital and optical carrier standards are presented including DS1, DS3, OC-1, OC-3, STS-1, line coding, clear-channel signaling, etc. NPAs, LATAs and Rate Areas are defined, along with CLASS & SS7 network topologies. Important nodes like the SSP, STP, and SCP are explained, along with definitions of links, link sets, and route sets. The OSI model is presented, comparing layers for SS7 and Internet networks. Binary and Hexadecimal are then discussed, including MSB, LSB, and byte reversal. Exercises are used to reinforce Bin-Hex-Dec conversion, using register dumps from various switches as examples. The Time-Space-Time model is then presented in some detail, as it is the basis for any TDM switch. Multiplexing, switching, and sample phone calls through an SS7 network are shown, along with exercises to test retention of the key concepts. Switch external connections are then shown, including many types of equipment that a switch may directly connect to, or gather alarms from, including voice mail systems, recorder announcers, AMA links, ringing generators, operator services, and building alarms. SLC-96 and GR-303 integration is taught, and particularly the capabilities of GR-303 which is used extensively as a voice packet interface to the PSTN. A module on formal troubleshooting methodology is included, which presents several ways to investigate symptoms within a complex network, and how to investigate what resources are potentially available, and where to look for them. The course finishes with a module on typical telco operations, including NOC/SCC communication, support tiers, electro-static damage mitigation, reporting, escalation, and sample work checklists.
2 Day Course
This extensive Virtual Live Instructor-led course introduces the telecom professional to the data and networking environment. The growth of the information age is being driven by Internetworking. This course will cover the essentials of data and networking environments and their concepts, components, applications, and many acronyms will be examined in detail as the overall picture of these technologies are simplified. This course will provide practical Hands-On Set-Up, Configuration, Implementation and troubleshooting of these Basic and Complex Technologies.
3 Day Course
VMware View class offers participants the most extensive training available in the Installation, Configuration and Management of VMware View 5. Each participant will work Hands-On with real servers to build and administrate their own complete VMware View 5 environment from the ground up. The primary reason that our course offers participants a more comprehensive experience than other courses is that each student gets to install and configure a complete VMware® vSphere™ 5 environment designed specifically to support Virtual Desktops. While other providers cover Virtual Desktops as an isolated topic; we believe that an understanding of the infrastructure (VMware vSphere 5) provides participants with an invaluable insight into the functionality of their VMware View 5 environment! Once the infrastructure has been provisioned, participants install VMware View 5 and begin the process of learning how to maximize their administrative efficiency while managing VMware View 5 environments while maintaining the highest levels of Virtual Desktop security. During class we focus on Real-World Virtual Desktop deployment scenarios using the available GUI tools; the vSphere Client, vCenter Server, and the VMware View Manager. Our VMware® View™ 5 Virtual Desktop Deployment follows true Cloud Practice in deploying Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Because we provision completely separate resources for each participant, everybody gets unique firewall rules, and everybody gets to connect separately to his/her Virtual Desktop environment from the internet, when it is complete!. The VMware® View™ 5 Virtual Desktop Deployment class features over 50 hands-on Step-By-Step Labs (SBS LAB™), complete with detailed instructions, full-color documentation and screenshots of all steps. The book alone is sure to become one of the most valued reference materials in your library and more...
4 Day Course
This Hands-On course provides in-depth coverage on Voice over IP (VoIP), which integrates voice and data transmission, is quickly becoming an important factor in network communications. It promises lower operational costs, greater flexibility, and a variety of enhanced applications. This course provides a thorough foundation to this new technology to help experts in both the data and telephone industries plan and support their VoIP networks. The hands-on labs are very useful methods to understand the A-Z of VoIP.
3 Day Course
LTE promises greatly accelerated data rates — even when mobile users are traveling at hundreds of kilometers per hour. However, as LTE moves from the labs into actual deployments, debates over the glaring gap in delivering voice over an LTE network are growing. Voice is the major revenue generator for operators, and voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) is now being touted as the technology of choice for delivering voice to LTE networks. In this course our SME will cover the benefits of VoLTE, and the challenges (both pre-deployment and post-deployment) faced by manufacturers and operators developing and deploying VoLTE networks and more...
2 Day Course
This highly intense, vendor neutral, Hands-On 4-day course provides an in depth exploration of Wide Area Networking Transport Protocols. It
5 Day Course
This course provides a Hands-On introduction to staff who will be responsible for planning, designing and supporting WiFi Networks and WiFi Hot-spots.
3 Day Course
This extensive Hands-On course is a must for persons entering the field of WiFi Networking and Telecommunications. Students will learn about the building blocks of all networks, including the OSI and Network Models. Many terms will be defined, including the purpose of switches, routers and WiFi access-points and more. The course will also provide significant Hands-On with networking equipment and components, including test equipment. Copper, fiber and WiFi media will be demonstrated, including updates to all technologies. We will also cover Mesh technologies with wireless and wired backhaul links will be covered, along with multiple ways to mitigate interference. Finally, troubleshooting of common problems will be discussed for different network medias, including Real-World examples, plus any examples and or issues provided by the customer/attendees to help them immediately improve their WiFi Networking skills.
3 Day Course
This 3 day Hands-On course provides “Real-World Experience” for help-desk and technical support personnel to solve customer related iss
3 Day Course


Outside Plant
Pole Climbing Pole Climbing
Confined Space Certification Confined Space Certification
OSP Bonds & Grounds OSP Bonds & Grounds
Noise Mitigation Noise Mitigation
Copper Splicing Copper Splicing
Adv. OSP Tester, Fault Loc... Adv. OSP Tester, Fault Loc...
T1 & T3 T1 & T3
T1 Spans & HDSL T1 Spans & HDSL
Adv. OSP/DSL Field Adv. OSP/DSL Field
Special Circuits Special Circuits
IPTV Intallers IPTV Intallers
Fiber Optics -ER Fiber Optics -ER
CO Bonds & Grounds CO Bonds & Grounds
Utility Locating Utility Locating
Fiber Optics-Industry Apps Fiber Optics-Industry Apps
IPTV for Telecos IPTV for Telecos
Cat 6A Cert Cat 6A Cert
Air Pressure Air Pressure
Air Dryer Air Dryer
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Central Office
CO Bonds & Grounds CO Bonds & Grounds
CO Power CO Power
Frame Relay Frame Relay
Internetworking ATM Internetworking ATM
DWDM/Routing DWDM/Routing
DMS100 DMS100
MetroE Field-Tech MetroE Field-Tech
T1 & T3 T1 & T3
T1T3 for CATV T1T3 for CATV
Special Circuits Special Circuits
CS 1500 Centrex CS 1500 Centrex
VoIP/Data-Voice VoIP/Data-Voice
Nortel/Norstar CallPilot Nortel/Norstar CallPilot
Nortel BCM50 Nortel BCM50
Metro Eternet Metro Eternet
Digital TV Crossover Digital TV Crossover
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Fiber Optics
Und. Fiber Und. Fiber
Hands-On FTTH Hands-On FTTH
Fiber Management Fiber Management
Fiber WAN/Storage Fiber WAN/Storage
Fiber Adv. Testing Fiber Adv. Testing
Fiber Optics Adv. Splicing Fiber Optics Adv. Splicing
Fiber Optic - ISP/LANs Fiber Optic - ISP/LANs
Fiber Optics -ER Fiber Optics -ER
Adv Fiber Optics Adv Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics-Industry Apps Fiber Optics-Industry Apps
Essential Fiber Essential Fiber
A+ Cert A+ Cert
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Internetworking Essentials Internetworking Essentials
Adv. Internetworking Adv. Internetworking
A+ Cert A+ Cert
Gigabit Networks Gigabit Networks
Bridges, Routers & Switches Bridges, Routers & Switches
Network Management Network Management
Advanced Networking Advanced Networking
Cisco Simplified Cisco Simplified
Metro Eternet Metro Eternet
CS 1500 Centrex CS 1500 Centrex
Digital TV Crossover Digital TV Crossover
LTE-In Depth LTE-In Depth
LTE Core LTE Core
LTE Air Interface LTE Air Interface
LTE and 4G LTE and 4G
LTE Charging Mgmt and Apps LTE Charging Mgmt and Apps
Mobile Detection Mobile Detection
Carrier Wireless Carrier Wireless
VoIP/Data-Voice VoIP/Data-Voice
VMware View VMware View
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Energy / Power / Safety
Confined Space Certification Confined Space Certification
Ladder Safety and Fall Protect Ladder Safety and Fall Protect
Mine Safety Mine Safety
Voltage Cable Splicing Voltage Cable Splicing
Elec Transformer Elec Transformer
Power Quality Power Quality
Substation Testing Substation Testing
Elec Testing Elec Testing
Utility Locating Utility Locating
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Certification Courses
A+ Cert A+ Cert
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Additional Courses
TeleCom Mgmt TeleCom Mgmt
TeleCom Tech TeleCom Tech
Emerging Tech Emerging Tech
Understanding IPTV Understanding IPTV
IPTV for Telecos IPTV for Telecos
TelCom Network Testing TelCom Network Testing
TeleCom 1 TeleCom 1
TeleCom 2 TeleCom 2
Nortel CS1000 Nortel CS1000
Nortel/Norstar CallPilot Nortel/Norstar CallPilot
Metro Eternet Metro Eternet
CallPilot User/Sys Admin CallPilot User/Sys Admin
CallPilot Basic Admin CallPilot Basic Admin
CS1000 End User CS1000 End User
CS1000 & TM CS1000 & TM
Nortel/Norstar MICS Nortel/Norstar MICS
Nortel CallPilot Nortel CallPilot
IPTV Intallers IPTV Intallers
Fiber Optics-Industry Apps Fiber Optics-Industry Apps
CS 1500 Centrex CS 1500 Centrex
Digital TV Crossover Digital TV Crossover
LTE-In Depth LTE-In Depth
LTE Core LTE Core
LTE Air Interface LTE Air Interface
LTE and 4G LTE and 4G
LTE Charging Mgmt and Apps LTE Charging Mgmt and Apps
Mobile Detection Mobile Detection
VMware View VMware View
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Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks/servicemarks or registered trademarks/servicemarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. All product names that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Use of the name BTS, inc./the url: www.btstraining.com is for identification purposes only, and should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark, or as suggesting any affiliation between BTS, Inc. and the trademark/servicemark proprietor.