1. A brief overview of the DS1 (T1) signal
a. Framing Patterns (D4 SF, ESF & SLC)
b. Alarms (Red, Yellow & Blue)
c. Line Codes (AMI & B8ZS)
d. Levels at the DSX-1, CSUs & NIUs & Timing tests
e. Errors: BPV, Logic/Bit/CRC & Framing
f. Basic test set operation (Tx LBO, Timing, Rx settings)
g. In-Band & Out-of-Band loop codes (NIU, CSU & Intelligent Repeaters)
h. Purpose for ‘Stress Patterns’ (AMI & B8ZS)
2. A brief overview of the DS3 (T3) signal
a. Framing Patterns (M13, C-bit & Unframed)
b. Alarms: Red, Yellow, Blue & Idle,
c. Line Codes: AMI, B8ZS, B6ZS & B3ZS
d. Levels at the DSX-3 and cable lengths
e. Errors: BPV, Logical & Framing
3. Option Test Set (BERT) for Monitoring, Terminated Tests, Bridged tests & Drop/Inset testing.