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Cisco IP Phone Provisioning, Adds, Moves, Changes, Features, Apps & Troubleshooting
Course Description
Cisco Ethernet phone (ephone) technology has become ubiquitous, but feature sets have become more complex with each new phone type and IOS release. Ciscos emphasis on collaborative technologies, including voice, video, IM, and voice mail, have made UC phone setup more complex.

The Cisco IP Phone Provisioning Troubleshooting course (for various Cisco CallManager types including CUCM, CME or IOS command line) brings students up to speed quickly, looking at the capabilities of various Cisco phones, and how to add and remove service, plus make changes to existing phone users and features. Different methods can be emphasized, including Ciscos robust Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) solution, Communication Manager Express (CME), andor use of a Cisco router IOS command line with the telephony-service command.

Concepts like users, phone numbers, templates, features, etc. are distinguished, with examples of how to create, remove, or change service. This also involves selection of different CODEC types, and examples of PLAR, FXO, FXS, voice mail, and common features like call forwarding, Extension Mobility, calling name and number, etc. plus choosing the actual phone protocol (SCCP or SIP). Device License Units (DLUs) are discussed. Depending upon the needs of a class, initial setup of CUCM can be demonstrated, including virtualization software (i.e. vSphere ESXi, VMWare), plus network topology for DHCP, TFTP, CME router, and phone connections. Fundamental parts of the routing database can be explained, including dial plans, partitions, and Calling Search Space (CSS).

Different phone types and their features are explored, such as the popular 7900 and 8800 series. Power options like PoEinline power are compared, along with the testing and use of phone features, including voice, video or collaborative features (IM, Unity, Presence). Phone options like headsets, expansion modules, Bluetooth connectivity, PC client, external cameras, etc. can be explained and demonstrated, per the needs of the class. Troubleshooting techniques are used to solve phone registration issues, plus power, provisioning (show, debug), and call routing issues (DNA, logs), including how to back-up and restore the database.
Target Audience
Technical staff who are responsible for server set-up, IP phone provisioning troubleshooting, plus certain management or alarm monitoring personnel who may help support and troubleshoot the IP phone network.
There are no set prerequisites. Students may benefit from some existing IP networking background, andor packet telephony network experience with a Cisco or other IP telephony phone system.
Course Outline

Module 1 :   Cisco IP Phone Networks

                        - Typical Network Topology

                        - Publication & Subscriber Server Topology

                        - CME Router Topology

                        - PoE vs. Inline Adapters

                        - Unity Voice Mail, Unified Presence, Jabber

                        - DNS, DHCP, TFTP, NTP

                        - Trunking - SIP, H.323, H.225




Module 2 :   Using CUCM and/or CME

                        - Command Line Access

                        - Graphical User Interface (GUI) Access

                        - Virtual Machines

                                    vSphere EXSI


                        - Publication/Subscriber and/or CME Router

                        - NTP Server

                        - CODEC Profiles

                        - Time & Date, Region, Location

                        - Call Routing Overview

                        - Voice Productivity Features

                                    Features: Pickup, Park, Transfer, Forward, Music on Hold, etc.

                                    Directories, LDAP

                                    Unified Communications (Voicemail)

                                    SNR/Mobility Features

                                    Unified Presence

                                    Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP) (optional)

                                    Other Features of Interest (per student request)

                        - Device License Units (DLU)


Module 3 :   Provisioning Ephones

                        - CUCM - Unified CM Administration

                                    Create a User

                                    Create a Phone (SIP, SCCP)

                                    Button Templates

                                    Show CDP Neighbors, MAC lookup

                                    Add a Directory Number

                                    Adding Features

                                    Configuration File & TFTP

                        - CME - Call Manager Express (Optional)

                                    Differences between CUCM & CME

                                    Sample Provisioning

                        - CLI (versus GUIs)

                                    NTP Server

                                    Telephony-Service command

                                    Adding Ephones

                                    Adding Ephone-DN

                                    Assigning MAC Address

                                    Adding/Deleting Features

                        - Bulk Administration Tool (BAT)

                        - Examples




Module 4 :   Phones

                        - 7900 Series (i.e. 7945)

                        - 8800 Series (i.e. 8845)

                        - Customer Provided ephone models

                        - Feature Sets per model (i.e. voice, video, etc.)

                        - SIP vs. SCCP, compatibility issues

                        - CODEC support

                        - Peripherals

                                    Expansion Modules

                                    Speakers, Cameras


                        - Sample Installation

                                    Switchport Connections


                                    Accessory & Expansion Module connections

                                    Setup Menu - typical settings


                        - Feature Testing

                                    Making a Call

                                    Fixed Feature Keys

                                    Soft Keys

                                    Call Pickup, Call Transfer, Call Forwarding, etc.

                        - Changing Features

                        - Changing & Moving Phones

                        - Cisco Jabber™

                                    What Does It Do?

                                    Installation & Use                    



Module 5 :   Troubleshooting

                        - Common Faults

                                    Phone Registration Issues (DNS, TFTP, Switchports)

                                    No Power

                                    Cable Verification

                                    Phone Software & Setting Menu

                                    show & debug commands

                        - Cisco Unified Reporting - System Reports, CDR, CAR

                        - Cisco Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT)

                        - Locating & Reading System Logs

                        - Disaster Recover System (DRS)

                                    Backup & Restore

                        - Cisco Unified OS Administration

                                    OS Settings

                        - Dialed Number Analyzer (DNA)

                        - Other topics of interest to students
The course is customized based upon the needs and previous experience of the students. It can be combined with other courses such as Cisco IP Telephony (CIPT) or Cisco Collaboration (voice video) courses.
Delivery Method
Instructor-Led with numerous exercises and Hands-On labs throughout.
Equipment Requirements
(This apply's to our hands-on courses only)
BTS always provides equipment to have a very successful Hands-On course. BTS also encourages all attendees to bring their own equipment to the course. This will provide attendees the opportunity to incorporate their own gear into the labs and gain valuable training using their specific equipment.
Course Length
3 Days

Toll Free: 1-877-Info2Day