Day 1 & 2
1. Splicing tools and techniques : Lab: Splice fibers
a. Cleaver
b. Splicer
c. Cleaning
d. Tray management
2. Cable Prep for Splicing: Lab Cable Prep
3. Inside a cable
a. Types and counts
b. Sheath
c. Armor
d. Strength Member
e. Tubes
f. Fibers
4. Inside a splice case
a. Types of cases
b. Trays
c. Sealing
d. Locating correct fiber
e. Bare fiber OTDR testing
f. Attachment
5. Repair Strategies and Considerations
a. Damage extent
b. Slack Loops
c. New section
d. Mid-Sheath Splice
e. Fiber Roll
6. Types of damage
a. Burns
b. Snags
c. Chews
d. Wind
e. Lightning
f. Macro/Micro Bends
Day 3
7. Aerial OSP Plant Maintenance Lab: Field Trip
a. Cable Heights
b. Lashings
c. Downguys
d. U-Guards
e. Anchors
f. Attachments
8. Building entrances and termination methods
a. Aerial and underground entrances
b. Inside cables
c. Grounding and bonding practices
d. Termination panels and devices
e. Port connections and maintenance.
Day 4
9. Underground OSP Plant Maintenance - Lab: Field Trip
a. Manholes
b. Handholes
c. Transitions
d. Directional bores
e. Duct systems
10. Safety