Module I. General engineering information
a. Course objectives
b. What is expected from an engineer
c. FTTx general information
Module II. FTTx Design Options
a. General information about design options
b. Home Run option
c. Splitter Cabinet option
d. Distributed optical split option
Module III. FTTH Design Options Comparisons
a. Home Run versus splitter cabinet
b. Home Run versus Distributed optical split
c. Splitter cabinet versus Distributed optical split
Module IV. Take Rate Impact on Choosing a Design Option
a. Take rate definition and relevance
b. Splitter cabinet considerations
Module V. Density impact on FTTx Design Options
a. High rise density
b. Campus style apartment density
c. Single family residential density
d. Rural area density
Module VI. Fundamental Field Placement
a. Where to place a node or cabinet
b. How to determine economical number of feeder routes
c. How to determine economical location of feeder routes
d. Economical Distribution cable deign
i. Cable layout
ii. Drop closure location
iii. Connectorized versus fusion spliced drops
Module VII. Other Design Considerations
a. PON versus Active Ethernet
b. Future upgrade design considerations
c. Future proofing when sizing cables
d. Design efficiency calculations
e. Pseudo Cabinet design option
f. Cost Models
Module VIII. FTTx Design Steps
a. Home Run design steps
b. Splitter Cabinet design steps
c. Distributed Optical Split design steps
Module IX. FTTx Design Exercises
a. FTTx design examples reviewed
b. Design exercises- high rise, apartments, single family residential areas, and rural areas.