This course provides learning and practice in VSAT satellite networks, from the standpoint of remote-site installation and operation. Satisfactory completion of this course qualifies a technical individual to work on commercial satellite communications projects wherein VSATs are installed, commissioned and then support a broad range of government and industrial environments. It provides a technical foundation and a practical understanding of VSAT installation and operation. The certificate of satisfactory completion is issued by an accredited education institution and by a highly experienced satellite Subject Matter Expert.
The training addresses the current multi-vendor environment in terms of antennas (fixed, portable and mobile), amplifiers and other RF devices, modems and baseband equipment, and supporting systems that provide power and physical protection. The interfaces with a centralized hub earth station and the remote site Local Area Network (LAN) are reviewed, based on standard architectures from Hughes, ViaSat, iDirect, and COMTECH EF Data. Space segment capacity at C and Ku bands would come from commercial operators such as Intelsat, SES, Eutelsat and others consideration will also be given to government X and Ka band space assets such as WGS and XTAR. These combinations allow us to examine each element and how they interact to provide an effective and reliable data delivery mechanism.
This foundation relates to all satellite communications systems however, the course is geared to the civiliancommercial side. All of the information is taken from open sources such as non-proprietary vendor documentation and technical course materials used in many standard satellite communications courses presented to contractors, commercial users, satellite and network operators, and government and military units. This assures that the content is properly directed to the purposes of the course in certifying individuals as installers and operators of VSAT equipment. The material is accurate for and understandable to those who have a base of technical knowledge of satellite communications.
Communications technicians who have had some exposure to satellite technology but need a complete understanding of the principles and methods for putting VSATs into service. Anyone interested inresponsible for VSAT system installation, operations, support andor troubleshooting.
Basic telecommunications and satellite communications, electronics technologycommunications training such as at the Signal School or Devry Institute, along with some prior exposure to satellite technology. Microwave line-of-sight and troposcatter links are acceptable substitutes for satellite.
Module 1. Baseline Points for Satellite Communications
A. Satellites and Earth Stations
B. Frequency Bands (C, X, Ku and Ka)
C. Propagation Review (clear sky and rain; link margin and availability)
D. Modulation and Coding (Common MODCOD Options, Bandwidth, Eb/No, BER)
E. Multiple Access (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)
Module 2. VSAT Network Architecture
A. Star Networks (hub and spoke)
B. Mesh Networks (fixed links and DAMA)
C. Internet Protocol Support (Router Interface, TCP/IP Acceleration, Security)
Module 3. RF Devices and Systems
A. Antennas (center fed and offset fed reflectors, feed types, flat arrays, manual and auto-pointing/tracking systems, communications on-the-move)
B. High Power Amplifiers (BUC, SSPA, TWTA)
C. Diplexers, Polarizers, Waveguide Systems, RFI Filters
D. EIRP, G/T and Gain Budgets
Module 4. Case Studies of Leading VSAT Products
A. Broadband VSAT (Hughes DirecWay)
B. High-speed IP VSAT (iDirect)
C. FDMA SCPC Star and Mesh (COMTECH CDM Modem)
D. Mesh TDMA (ViaSat Linkway)
E. Military vs. Commercial Terminals (General Dynamics, GSI, TCS)
Module 5. Installation Issues
A. Antennas (Fixed, Portable and Mobile)
B. Equipment Power and Protection
C. Alignment on the Satellite, Cross Polarization, Carrier Alignment
D. Troubleshooting Link Problems (Link, End-to-End, Radio Frequency Interference)
E. Maintenance of RF and Baseband
F. Interfacing to LANs and the Hub
Module 6. Final Case Study (Graded Practical Exercise)
Instructor-led with numerous exercises and case studies.
BTS always provides equipment to have a very successful Hands-On course. BTS also encourages all attendees to bring their own equipment to the course. This will provide attendees the opportunity to incorporate their own gear into the labs and gain valuable training using their specific equipment.