Toll Free: 1-877-Info2Day
CallPilot Application Builder
Course Description
This Hands-On course details activities in PBX, SDN and AppBldr to maintain and create auto-attendants. All blocks discussed and part of Hands-On practical exercises.

Learn tips and techniques for creating and maintaining apps.

This course can be tailored based on Customer Needs and Requirements.
Students Will Learn
Target Audience
CallPilot Administrators that need to know how to maintain and create auto-attendant applications.
Course Outline

Module I:   Login to Application Builder

•    Understanding Existing Applications
•    SDN Table
•    Application Name/ID
•    PBX routing

Module II:   Navigating the App Builder Screen

•    Palette
•    Blocks

o    Basic
o    System
o    Imported (later in course)

•    Work Space/Application Window
•    Default Blocks


 Module III:    Creating a NEW Application

•    Naming Applications and Blocks

o    Application Properties
o    Block Properties
o    Connectivity and Configuration of Blocks

•    Pink
•    Copy/Paste
•    Outputs (lines/stubs)
•    Shift Key/Mouse for multiple item selection
•    Block Definition and Configuration – for each block we will learn the configuration and outputs of each, some blocks are more involved than others

o    Announcement
o    Call Transfer

•    Default – Messaging Management

o    Time of Day services

•    Date Control
•    Day Control
•    Holidays – Messaging Management
•    Time Control

o    Menu
o    Thru-dial (dial by name and number)
o    Language selection
o    Password Check
o    System Blocks

•    Express Voice Messaging
•    Express FAX Messaging
•    Voice Item Maintenance (VIM)
•    FAX Item Maintenance (FIM)
•    Custom Commands – allows users to train mailbox (Speech Req feature)
•    Voice Items

o    Voice Item Maintenance
o    Record – CallPilot Player
o    Import
o    Define Menu

Module IV:   Putting an application into service

•    Complete vs. Incomplete applications
•    SDN Table
•    Voice Item Maintenance

o    File:Properties

•    General Tab - application ID
•    Security Tab - password for application

Module V:   Print Commands

•    Print Setup
•    Print Flow
•    Print Block Details
•    Print Voice/Fax Items

Module VI:    Tips and Techniques

•    Menu and Tool Bar

o    Hide/Show Palette and Tool Bar
o    Move/Restore Palette
o    Min/Max/Full View Menu
o    Display Page Breaks
o    Tile/Cascade multiple applications
o    Text Notes

•    Loops and Errors
•    Saving Applications

o    Save vs. Save As…
o    Complete vs. Incomplete

•    File:Properties
•    Importing/Exporting Applications  (discussion, not part of hands-on exercises)

o    Export

•    Continue block appears
•    indicates this app is available to be imported into other apps
•    directs application FLOW back to (continue) initial app

o    Import

•    Select application from list to “import” into new tab called Imported Applications
•    Like a GoTo or Subroutine

Module VII:   System Prompt Customization & Troubleshooting

NOTE If customer has a particular application to build, they may be able to work on those details as the review project that we do at the end of the second day. Depending on complexity and time.
Delivery Method
Instructor led with numerous Hands-On labs and exercises.
Equipment Requirements
(This apply's to our hands-on courses only)
BTS always provides equipment to have a very successful Hands-On course. BTS also encourages all attendees to bring their own equipment to the course. This will provide attendees the opportunity to incorporate their own gear into the labs and gain valuable training using their specific equipment.
Course Length
2 Days

Toll Free: 1-877-Info2Day